You may be starting to wonder if you ought to pack it in and give up. It's all getting very difficult and complicated. But then, if life is delivering a large supply of stress all at once, you can at least work through it nice and quickly. And here is more good news. You don't have to steel yourself for a disappointing experience, just a testing one. You may not thoroughly enjoy the challenge you face but there's nothing in the coming opposition but you can't yet have a triumphant time,How do we tell the difference between confusion and delusion? With difficulty. But it is even harder to distinguish delusion from clarity. We all like to think that we know what's going on. We all suspect that others have a more tenuous grasp of reality than we do. None of us, though, is blessed with divine objectivity. We are all biased. Often, we are led by perverse preferences in ways that are not immediately apparent. This time a veil falls from your eyes. A valuable understanding arrives just in time to prevent a mistake.If you need a rabbit, don't worry, there's a top hat nearby. You can work magic, can't you? Or are you expecting too much from yourself. You yearn for the ability to wave a wand over a problem and then turn to all who have been concerned and say 'See? Why did you ever let it upset you?' That's a laudable ambition as long as it doesn't encourage you to become an illusionist. Try not to rely on superficial 'quick fixes'  If you look, you will find solutions that are not quite so instant but are wonderfully reliable.An old adage advises us, to strike while the iron is hot! But the saying refers to metalwork, not housework. Many delicate fabrics require a lukewarm iron. The art is in knowing when the iron is too hot! If you wait too long for something, you may lose your chance. You either have to bring about a major permanent change soon - or leave it for a good while. By then, other circumstances may have altered. Yet if you act now, you may spoil what you are trying to get - in the very act of trying to get it too fast. Relax and wait


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