Too often, in those old hairy, scary movies, the cops end up arresting a bystander. The finger of suspicion points at someone who is keeping a perfectly reasonable secret. But because this person cannot explain themselves without betraying an honourable promise, things turn nasty. And meanwhile, no matter how long the arm of the law, the real villain slips from its grasp. There! You see? Your situation could actually be (slightly) more frustrating and worrying than it has lately started to get. Soon it really will improve.Once we start to persuade ourselves that we have made a mistake for which we should atone and compensate for, it becomes almost impossible to replace that harsh narrative with a more constructive explanation. Our inner-critic rubs its hands with glee, so noisily as to drown out all further commentary. And should our apparent failure be drawn to the attention of those who dislike us, they too will join in the chorus of disapproval. Even so, all who think that you have done something wrong will soon be proved wrong.It happens very often,as it is the way of life!


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