We can place our valuables under lock and key. We can install alarms to alert us to intruders. What can we do, though, to protect ourselves from those who seek to deprive us of something even more precious - our time? How do we stop people from stealing our agenda, absorbing our concentration and distracting us from our objectives? This weekend, you must jealously guard your schedule. You don't have to be obsessive and you must, of course, be flexible but you need to remember what matters and why?Ideally, you should acquire as much information as possible, consult as many experts as you can find and cover as many bases as you can think of. The problem is that none of that really seems very feasible. You to do a lot in a short space of time. You are going to have to hope that when the pressure mounts, your intuition is good enough to see you through. It will be, provided you give it a fair chance to guide you. Stay calm and follow your sweetest, strongest hunches.


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