From an early age, we are encouraged to develop adult views and attitudes. By the time we reach the age of seven we are worldly wise and sophisticated. Perhaps this is why, by the time we hit fourteen, we are jaded and cynical. It is all the more ironic when you consider that, during the rest of our lives, we are going to wish we could be more childlike. In an emotionally charged situation, you now want to ask a question. A part of you feels that you daren't. It might be rude or inappropriate. Never mind. Ask anyway.Hercules once had to battle a monster whose head grew back, every time our hero tried to chop it off. You may not feel like some mythical character with legendary strength, but you certainly know how it feels to be up against an impossible challenge. The harder you try to solve a problem, the more you seem to be creating a new set of troubles. The solution involves getting closer to the root cause of a syndrome. Don't attempt to fix what seems to be wrong on the surface, think a little harder about what's making it all happen. 


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