
Showing posts from September, 2012


we can help self by making our will strong and promising self : we would not suffer whatever state is.  In this way  we refuse to worry and grieve over present state of affairs,which we do want to have in life. In this way we would conserve our inner and physical energy and make the right efforts. Physical diseases and emotional imbalance only add to our worries. Find a mid way to cope present situations well and surely one can search out a way to face the problems boldly and reach the goals.The person who resist and become wholly obsessed with some ambitions until their perspective in life is warped and distorted. Again  self control and self motivation helps. But a stage when one grew old and helpless,depend on younger s- is a terrible stage.In India alone,about eight million above eighty, twenty nine million above seventy plus and seventy  seven million above sixty and in urban areas sixty four percent elderly women and forty six  percent elderly men fully dependent on others


This is the moment of expectation for you as sometimes danger can be hidden yet is present, even if you don't see it. Some problems occur inside, in silence. Do not put yourself forward and take no decisions. Postpone everything.   you can overcome all your difficulties with cheerfulness and lightheartedness. You'll enjoy being with others. Share this positive energy with everyone; there is great harmony inside you and you must learn to appreciate and enjoy it fully. To enjoy your life fully do not expect more,work hard that is all. Problems occur when we jump into false expectation without thinking pros and cons. In work you can merge self in work so that there would be no pains or stress left while you are busy then the outcome will be sweet and satisfactory. Love you can not have by asking,it comes as a gift of god,it may be inform of a friendship or a lover or love of mother,motherly love is natural and one get it  unasked.Love gives all without expecting anything in r


Smile and politeness have healing capacity. That is why a little baby's smile attracts us.True love is to expand boundaries of family to larger realms of friendship and service to all. But what we see in real world around us , little ones are becoming so sensitive. They get annoyed when they do not get what they want. Compromises - no way.Yogi who has chosen a cave as his residence and adopt poverty at will seems more convenient comparing to our family life,there are many demands and sour relationships hard to handle. We too wish to run away and be a yogi,it is only escapism not real wish. Rather than running away we should try to bridging the gap between  men and men. It is possible only by selfless acts.Being true to self avoiding double standard,like we are outwardly hospitable while being resentful within. Success demand sustained hardwork and it has to be earned like Edison who was deaf but world  famous scientist, Franklin Roosevelt  president of USA got himself elected for


Human life is precious,and if we see the world as a family, without any barrier,helping others to carry on with their lives,there would be light of hope gloriously optimism pregnant with the hope  of a future so bright. So one has to be practically optimistic focusing on well chosen targets and pursuing targets with persistence and continuity  then the lives of many can be really improved. Life eludes us constantly and our  focus is almost limited to this body and its needs, let our focus be, the balance of mind,body and spirit giving us eternal satisfaction and feeling of joy. Never deviate from your chosen path, joy is product of culmination of perfect alignment and timing of events with excellence of personal growth Once the game is over,the king and pown go back in the same box.--Italian proverb There is a sacred space and sacred place that each of us keeps locked deep within and the world would see only what we  have chosen to reveal. Very often we chose to reveal only one asp


A venomous snake is not affected by the poison within it but can kill others,likewise if we are  one with god our bad karma's will not have any affect on us as being one with god is purification  itself. A thick chain of habits and environment bound us to do so repeatedly. Deleting past tendencies and present life influences is possible by concentration upon god and cutting the cords of bad habits by wisdom and good habits replaced them. we have freedom to choose and this is taking toll of us,whole focus is on presentation of things in a better way,personalities,comforts and styles all should be  in a new look always. So necessities are replaced by must have new thing always  resulted in unrest and stress as it is god's job who can create new things endlessly without efforts. Things happen itself by  his will and we have to put our money,time and peace to create new styles.It is not easy to get rid of all these tendencies and influences  only training of mind to accept sim


Bear  in mind that  nothing is permanent and everything is changing event by event.  Even the water in the river is not the same, as it is flowing. In this mortal world  sooner or later one has to go, sooner you accept this fact better it would be for you and the people around you. Being alone is a blessing in disguise as you get a perfect chance to uplift your inner powers. Life is a divine blessing and you should love to live it in its entirety. Start believing in yourself that you can overcome your loneliness and you will find a difference with passage of time. Strongest man is who stands alone; being alone does not mean living in isolation. This period should be taken as a positive frame of mind and this time should be utilized in self-introspection. You will get answers of many unasked questions. You will get power to handle any situation soon-strongly than ever.   There is a dire need to change mindset if we really want to grow. Restlessness may disturb you univitedly. Someti


Sometimes we feel a void in life not because we want something, but because we have everything: lot of money, big house and all comforts. Life is not an easy matter, it has many folds to be unfolded one by one. Peace and happiness is  internal and not dependent on the external. We can adjust ourselves by strong will power at any crucial time, even enemies can be the best teachers telling you who you are. So listen to your enemy for god is talking through them.  Replace negativity with positivism and find everlasting joy within every phase of life. We have made simple things complex due to our ignorance or lack of awareness. Once we are aware there would be no troubles,  we have stabilized our mind. This is mind taming by asking some questions like-what-why-when-where –how and how much. Introspection is must. So practice it once a day whenever you have time.  Appreciate all relationships and realize the fact that life is good with all its trials and troubles. If wrong things are hap


There are many paths up to a mountain but view is almost same from top of the mountain. Here mountain is our ultimate goal i.e. finding god. There are many religions and belief systems but God is one. When your every thought and your every action is directed to  your ultimate life goals, you become unstoppable and assured of great success and happiness. When you cultivate your mind, body and character, your life takes on powerful dimensions that you never thought possible.   Take at least 10 minutes every evening and visualize yourself doing what you want to do. Picture the fun and happiness you will feel when, at the end of your life, you have done all that you wanted to do. Whatever we do, we do it to feel good. Later our habit of feeling good generate negativity in terms of spending time in dreamworld, doing  shopping endlessly to feel good or sleeping too much etc. This is  normal state of younger generation, they have energy, time, money and a deep desire to feel good. We, actual


Work add up satisfaction and worth in our life. Work makes life going,whatever we do is work even if we sit idle our mind is working you can not stop activities in life. For working effectively,check time wasters  as telephone calls visitors or meetings. Even if you are not working efficiently  you are pilling up pending jobs , stress and tensions will disturb balance of your life. Setting up priorities on daily basis,check  what you have already done is well done or not. Everybody is getting the same 24 hours a day so use up or waste is one's own choice. If you are really tight time schedules and want more time devoted to work, one hour less sleep will add five more years to your working life.  avoiding distractions is another time saving device. Using your whole productivity and interest in jobs to be done will give you quality time to relax and enjoy life.Another time waster thing is procrastination, avoid fatigue by managing well all your work whether it is household job


Our attention is merely on external things,we hardly look inward. Even if  we have spiritual goal the mind slips away from it. To get rid of  mind  dirt we have to take refuge in a realized master,the way of our life in different. We are indulged in luxuries , we look other's mistakes and defects and not good qualities. The working mind is present,doer and wanting to know the result is thinking mind. Ego is identification with name and form is sense of doer-ship--I- is  sufferer. We give power to mind and make it master, meditation is a seeing mind as a witness, a neutral energy so not interfere mind wherever it may goes. Just stay in our own source be a seer, a witness- why we are at the mercy of mind- mind management or meditation is non-doing entity. Mind is as naughty as a monkey is, controlling is difficult but not impossible.


Spirituality takes time. Giving comforts to others is good but not at the cost of your own soul. Bodily comforts does not matter but which effects soul should be avoided.  The body is perishable,one day we will leave this body but our journey will continue in new body. The main thing is heart connection, only you can tell how you are living your life and are you are  living up to your  set goals.  each day practice living more and more of your purpose until joy becomes your dominant vibration,then your boat will be unsinkable. The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing and what is your main thing,you have to set yourself.There are many opportunities to be true to yourself.When you do not living up to your set- goals you would be feeling empty by denying, your joyous state won't be achieved then. We set priorities by way of our daily need and not at what life call us to do in each precious moment,so be a free man.By putting the main thing ,the main thing is a pr


. How we spend average age of 70 years? Twenty five years in sleep,  eight years in study, six years in rest and illness, seven years in holidays and recreation, five years in commuting.   you are wasting your time. Planning and clarity of objectives can save your time and energy as we spend, four years in eating and three years in transition or getting ready to do jobs or activities and all is left twelve years for effective work. Work add up satisfaction and worth in our life. Work makes life going,whatever we do is work even if we sit idle our mind is working you can not stop activities in life. For working effectively,check time steal-er as telephone calls visitors or meetings. Even if you are not working efficiently time is fleeting.   Everybody has unlimited wishes to be fulfilled. Young people  aged at 20 or above start as stars but due to unrealistic goals and expectations  and their lack of experience and patience they get easily bored and disagree  with others on this


Chronic worries are habitual and catch hold of us like octopus .Specially youths tend to sacrifice everything for wrong pursuits of happiness and lost their all,peace of mind chasing new liberty to move and spend their money and time as they want,learn late to balance their life by self observing all the laws of nature and of god,they learn to combine their activities with calmness and this stage comes when they have already lost their number of years. For example most of us spend our life in earning a handsome amount of money and either died or fell ill before one could enjoy whatever he has gathered.How strange it is that we all knew this and doing the same as before. It is due to one sideness and we miss our real goals and never derive satisfaction. Ever if you are greatest sinner forget all about sin. Provided you have decided to  mend your ways. Start with a clean state and awake! Remember that I  am  son of god  and now I will prove this by rectifying my deeds. Evil is alw


We are living in this world but we are not of this world. We belong to god and He has sent us to enjoy fruits of our actions. So practice mental neutrality and see it will obey as you instruct. We must rise above the  drama of life,play well but remember in the end of play kings and servants will be the same soul , where the discrimination on the basis of status,religion or country does not exist at all. Freedom from sense slavery is the only way to peace and happiness. Men is lazy by nature and sitting idle is his best suited time pass.  But every one must have experienced that when we are engaged in any physical exercise or work, we tend to forget our tensions or stress even state of illness. Stay busy in physical activities to be stress free. Doubts and  distrust bring in-differences and split relations. Even in our spiritual life doubts kills our hunger for god realization, seeking truth becomes a distant dream, again having much money and time in hand and no target,we do


Boys are treated as men-as provider,brave and outgoing but girls are cuddled,protected and cared. Women need more expression of love. Love they give,love they want. Love is a glowing feeling that  enhance us through out the day. Men only want to be physicals whereas women  are crazy for love.Men see love as a chance to be physical. Women are more sentimental and romantic so they give in to even in a false show off love by men. But  women do  not feel in love too rapidly as men and if there a break-up or they fall out of love  suffer less long term distress then men do. A man would tell anyone a hundred times about his wife's good nature if his wife died and he remarry someone. Women do  not express their concern for lost love or died husband if they enter into a new relationship again, in this way they are more practical  than men otherwise most of women are emotional fools. And they find difficult to forget how they were cheated by their partners in love. This is basic differenc


No one likes to have insincere relationships in their life but it is very sad, many practice insincerity . Self control should be practiced daily , dictator  type people are not welcomed anywhere.  Nobody likes them,even their face expression are irritating so any one would  try to make distance from such people. People who are head of the family, bread winner think they have every right to dictate. Is it not strange that people very often unload their bad mood on their dependents. And when it became his habit then he try anywhere his dictatorship and cause troubles for others .  Criticism delivered in a mean and heartless way is like  hitting a man with hammer.Kind suggestions with love and understanding are wonderful . that is why we should be in company of calm and happy so that positive vibrations surround us. Mental alcoholic people are who have anger, fear,sadism jealousy  ,hate  greed and mood swings, and have no control over,very often burst in a loud thunder of bad words


Rise above the idea of heat and cold,pleasure and pain are produced by  the contacts of the senses with their objects. Such ideas are limited by a beginning and an end. They are transitory in their behavior. BEAR THEM WITH PATIENCE. Once you conditioned your mind, there would be no problem in dealing with any problem.BRAIN IS SENSITIVE INSTRUMENT OF MIND AND ALL THE SENSATIONS ARE REPORTED TO THE MIND THROUGH THE NERVES AND BRAIN. If you made mind strong by practicing powerful positive thinking nothing is impossible for you. Pampering the mind is not good,you have to take precautions until you depend on your mind.So discipline your mind to be more positive until it develop greater mental courage. Live by power of mind  because mind will obey what ever you wanted. A  warrior has conditioned his mind to bear all pains and troubles in war field, prepared his mental attitude. We all need to do so in the same way as life itself is a battle and we have to come out as a winner not as


What is the logic of all fun  what  ever we do- when there are no human value in our actions. When one grow old,he has wisdom-earned over years. His practical life experiences may help his children and society. Kids who are not so affluent demand luxuries which their parents can not afford and agonies parents stare helplessly and hopelessly.  Middle class suffer a lot as it tends to copy affluent people and  very often made life miserable by overspending. It is not a reel story it is a real life story. The delusions of world and matter are overcome by contacting the sweet serenity of spirit. So work on which will give you joy by banishing the concept of fears and lack of self confidence. The power of love,gained by loving god wholeheartedly.This will remove all your agonies,fears and tensions.Know you are a child of god and a bubble in the ocean of cosmic energy.  Connect to the source and fully charge yourself of its energy. Balanced  nerve force provide life current to the brain a


 Delusions are so strong and it is hard to believe but not impossible. Specially when you have severe disease and need medical help or when you need money and do not have,it is very hard to console self that this world is delusion,our need should be met in time.Healing the feelings and raising soul above all-would help a lot to realize that this body is merely an instrument of soul.So roll up your sleeves to work hard on physical and emotional level and practice a self healing process. Our brain is live radio station broadcasting waves. All our thinking are subtle like waves of radio. Like attracts like.Our thoughts are feelings and feelings are emotions all is product of mind and our whole life evolve around mind.So to heal we have to re-style our lives. It is very hard to believe and applying in real life. Our entity is lost in the jungle of life, everybody is mourning the loss of entity.Our strains are louder and we want to run away-escape, but no where to go. My faith in god


In this world we have to pay for everything except divine blessedness.Its all right that we enjoy life's gift but we prone to think strange and difficult things whereas the fact is evrything is  so simple and we have made simple things difficult. God is our nearest relative  and always with us but we search HIM here and there. We make ourselves sad by thinking, and by thinking we again can be cheerful the only change is replacing negative into positive thoughts. We are in the habit of escapism. Ordinary people tend to think and do things which are are beyond the horizon of our own habits of life. Mind rebels if we want to make it a slave,instead we are slave of mind and do as it dictates. Do not neglect body and its need but  God is crying for your attention so that He may release you of worldly problems,but we never bother to turn to him,trying to  cope with all.Actually three forth of the cure lies in the mind and one forth  outer help can do. Because we have conditioned our


Though there are number of problem in our day to day life but we can overcome by working on them.How?Let us play a simple game.The word attitude has greatest numbers,if we add them according to their actual number counting as A-1,b-2,so T-20 and by adding up we will get 100 numbers.So attitude is highest scored word,in our real life attitude will settle all outcome.Then hard work- 98 numbers.attitude and hardwork will decide what we will get by our luck,luck =47 number is also adding up our success rate.Love will get 54 numbers,money will get 72 numbers and knowledge will get 96 numbers,if we add up by their alphabetically numbers. So in future every one should work on with positive attitude by working hard with perfect knowledge then by good luck we get success. So attitude is first to joyous and wonderful world.Lift your mind from lower level to higher level. so identify the problem and give proper solutions as poverty problem is solved by growing rich,illness ends only when we b


Evil was made sweet to destroy you. We love to be loved. We desired to lead a comfortable life-peaceful life. All clashes are result of desire clashes as every body has a different set of goals. If we work for all good,pleasure and comforts for all,all would be happy.. Live in consciousness of god. You will find many things that once seemed necessary may have become unnecessary. Use your discriminatory power to differentiate the poisoned honey and that which is in your best interest. Cultivate the right code of conducts.Just say” It is god who  knows the best. It is he who is giving me suffering and it is he who is making me happy”. Things and matter may be same but expression may be different. Getting worried would not provide any solution,make affirmation,I will work and do my best. I will get my fair share. In order to keep me quiet,this world  must satisfy my needs. No work  will you big or small doings, even clearing away weeds is something worthwhile. Power makes man h


UNTIL A MAN WAKES TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF HIS IDENTITY WITH THE ATAMAN, LIBERATION CAN NEVER BE OBTAINED.----------   ADDISHANKRACHARYA. The person who think to have special claim on your time,there is no reason why such a delicate operation is for you.Since you can not  see the intensions of others,it would be good to have precautions before dealing with such person.Stick to truth and be true to your feelings,emotions and duties.Handle with care and confidence,such cases.And there would be no use if you wanted to be rebellious.learn to decompress- so that you will NOT occupy yourelf with the brain or talk endlessly about a problem,this helps a lot to shift the gears of mood,or change opinions for better adjustment.Do what you can and take what you get whether less or more,never loose your calm,be cool and handle tough matters barvely. We are here for a unique purpose.We are constantly busy in thought process,thoughts are like waves in sea raising  up and down ,it’s the way of li


KNOW WHAT IS GOD’S PURPOSE. EFFORTS MAY FAIL BUT DON’T FAIL TO MAKE EFFORTS----Anonymous. All is  your own choice whether clutch the past so tightly to chest  that it leaves our arms too full to embrace  the present. God is in simplicity. One should be simple to the extent that you would like roses on your table rather than diamonds on your neck.  Helping  the needy. Keep your calms with positive  attitude and full faith in god’s justice is all you need and to provide you all is god’s responsibility. See how HE has arranged milk for new born prior to their arrival on the earth. Our dull life is our own creation. Because we have lost the energy to be curious, the spirit to enquire and the ability to further our knowledge. We tend to forget that curiosity is something we born with, buried deep inside some where, So pick up shovel and dig it out, it is a pre-requisite for creation to ask question to get answer.  Learning-doing and  improvement is a process,so continue with this p


When we appreciate the situations as they are and enjoy whatever we have with a sense of gratitude and forget all about complaints. Our emotional balance resulted in happiness.Where confusions and conflicts melt away with clarity of visions,when we are at peace. We human beings have a strange nature- to exploit things as per our own perceptions,  we want things and circumstances not as they are,all should be matched with our mental frame that is why we do not accept the person or things and circumstances as they are and disturb all equilibrium , balance of opposites So it is up to us whether we become happy and be a part of creation,or get angry,fret,frown ,become mad and curse others,blame others-spoil relationships because things do not happening the way we desired.Self is supreme and above all, wrong interpretation of this notion. Giving importance to self to serve the humanity  or to cater own needs by being a selfish fallow are two different things.Selfish person never exper


One can find existence of god within and get satisfaction  in self awakening. Our Optimism leads to increased well being as  you get busy in activities which give you no time to brood over petty things,thereby will save your energy-this investment of energy in creative jobs. Autosuggestion will help you a lot,in case you are not feeling well, tell yourself I am healthy and give powerful images and energy to yourself to feel healthy and good. As you think so shall you feel. Actually what we do we take negative beliefs and unfounded fears from the world around us. These become our invisible fences, So bring awareness to them and pin them down. Exercise the force of will and talent of heart to run through it, that is the true meaning of true opt-ism. These are not  just thoughts but action too!  The idea to  convert negativity into a source of energy and bring back hope in life, the ability to re-frame life out of negativity is an optimistic strategy. Active coping is  what makes


At the time when your head and heart pulls you to different directions,follow your intuition, and when you accept yourself as you are only then you would get inner peace and inner strength.  Allow time and space to change things for better. Sometimes though your efforts are  to be stable and normal but being a defaulter cut a sorry figure so don't  try to take a nose dive and feel scare. There is a  bright sunlight after the dark night. Time is always set for things to do and mending your ways, improve relations by meeting people in half way. Some times compromises have to be made for betterment of self and people around you. So do not spoil your mood by over analyzing the situations. Your action should speak itself in clear and transparent ways. Reduce rebellious state or suffer depression later. See twinkling of light through dark clouds. Your problems are not to make you miserable,go into the roots of your deep rooted pains and experience all again without self pity or blamin


Saints willingly took karma from others in order to heal them and create their faith in god's existence.  Actually this is life energy which is digesting your food or assimilate oxygen. An ordinary battery is better than this body as battery can be recharged but this body can not be recharged- revitalized once it died. God is a great physician, can heal better than doctors. When all medical practices failed it is only godly power which can revive you. But we very often taken for granted god's precious gifts. We are so engrossed in Maya which are real life delusions. Mental science is better than medical science and if both are combined, good for all. As we knew stomach is the weakest part of human body and most abused part as we do overeating or dump wrong foods in stomach which carry many poison in the system and difficult to handle the diseases  which are due to our wrong food habits and suffer. Undigested protein results in heart attack or cancer and toxins affects your n


Why our happiness depends upon others? Why we give others power to make us happy or angry?Why are you letting others to manipulate you or sentimentally be fooled? How much damage we do to ourselves in this way,emotionally ruined self.  when emotions stormed in, all logic and ration ability is drowned. So my dear don't fret, do not loose your cool. Our life stems from belief . Meaning comes from our own judgement,what we tell to ourselves about our experience, how we console self by giving this or that. What suits to our heart and emotions,so it is always difficult to differentiate between the facts and our overlay.. Things are not always as they seems to be, in the midst emotionally charged conflicts. So you become director of your story and tell in different ways,present  your story in different ways.l Story is same but ways of expressions are many. We change the context in which we place events,the meaning instantly changed with our different  statement of facts.  need to beco


Our body  is nothing but mind in action.Disease which are nurtured by wrong thoughts,mind has immense power to heal such diseases. As the nerves and cells are controlled by the mind. Mind is sometimes poisoned by the thoughts of  negativity,as mind is convinced of its limitations.  Mind rules body. Heal the soul and get delusions away.It is not easy as said but practice will do the needful and you will be relieved of delusions which are troubling you and your  path to god realization would be cleared. As our thoughts make the mind feelings and feelings are so intense that you attached to the body and whatever is happening to the body is happening to the soul as soul is imprisoned by the body. Then likes and dislikes generated by mind so are the intense feeling of love and have. But when we start seeing anything with clarity of mind all delusions will turn into knowing and knowledge of truth will be helpful in blossoming  Divinity within. Intense vibration of soul would blow away t


Personal integration is not only a balance but a transformation, a divination and a spiritualism.  It is not expression and emotions but their transformation through self control and spiritualism is sure path to satisfaction. Action should be done but not seeking results is best way to avoid egoism and tensions and anxieties. As you think so should you act and  as you eat so are your thinking-means control of food can control the mind.Awakening can help a person to lead a purposeful life. If a person learned and talented can not think of righteous directions and adjust or co-operate with the fellow beings, can not make creative contribution of  his intellects or talents for elevation of society and can not fight against the adversities of his life on his own,then all what he has learnt through education is of what use? One can free himself of delusions and imposed illusions,real spirituality is beyond  religious traditions, traditions serve primary function of spirituality- one can


You may know better what is in your heart but the world will know only what it wanted to see in you as you. You have to keep your cool to settle the affairs,all what is pinching you. Your own people will drag you, you need to pull back yourself and have a second thought in real life play. In real life there is not rewind or forward button. So you are helpless.Life is like clear sky in the morning but thunders in afternoon and rains in the evening, nothing is predictable only guess. You may label as fake , but you know what you are in reality so do not give others chance to rule over you, check them show them their limits and move on. Though wounds are deep, words are like sword which pierce your heart without bleeding.You have to flow with life,as no choice is lift with you, do the right and forget all.---------     It is the right moment to step back and observe the situation from outside, in a quiet corner. Renouncing action does not mean defeat; It is a sign of great wisdom. Coll


Life is tricky so deal with it as it is not as you want it to be, because life present opportunity to unfold many mysteries. You  have to take some protective measures while dealing with life to avoid its shocks and jolts.Most of people draw energy out of you and you seldom receive anything in  return. It is worthwhile to be with others only if they are sincere and strong and you must conscious of others sincerity and strength so that you exchange noble questions only.Some  protective measures  are as:- 1. One should use commonsense remedies to take care of body, do not make yourself a garbage bin. Take and absorb something  which  you really need and suits you. Self-healing depends on good karma,proper diet, sunlight and exercise plus your firm faith in existence of god. 2.Mind  has power to heal you,mind is a great dictator. ind is a terrible master but faithful servant so make it, tame it as a servant.  In the mind lies the  omnipresent healing power of god. So do meditation,medi


Early hours of the day are wonderful,learn to enjoy these moments of peace and cheerfulness. Little ways of life can change you for good.Morning is the time of AWAKENING, OF WONDER A TIME OF TENDERNESS AND IMMENSE BEAUTY. It is time to start a new day. We have a comfort zone and coming our of it is quiet uncomfortable, so need to broaden your horizon and dream. A little change and joy in abundance so fly  above all. Life is a question- a mystery and if it were not as it is, there would have no  climax too!  We love to solve question and having a sense of achiever. Live life as it comes to you as god is big planner and HE has planned everything for us,be a part of creation and create sometime new. Living in moment forgetting past and dreaming well for future, only have dreams not worries.Weave from even and uneven threads of events,history of your life.When you focus on something, no matter what it happen to be you are really calling into that existence.


What is life-a difficult question or a mystery. Are we acting like a robot? Are we making our life worthwhile or spend in vain.  No we do not know and going on  to continue our journey of life, feeding self and thinking of only what we get and not what is our contribution to make better-life of our fallow human beings. Perhaps we do not need a feel or otherwise. The fact is we are ignorant. Live a  rich life may be short as of a day-fly-who lives only for a day but she is happy with her lot and enjoy 24 hours,with thousand moments of happiness. But it does not give you an apology for sensual and momentary happiness. It only conveys that dreams are the substance of happiness when hate is around us. We will stop clinging to the gate that has just been closed on us and look forward to the one that has just opened to us.If you visualize life as a garden,to be cultivate with hard work by digging,planting,watering and most important weeding the unwanted growth that happens in field. Same


Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak, courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.---Windsor Churchill   Be a part of world.  Renunciation is unloading your emotional burden. If you tend to shun everything in the physical,this is a handicap to growing. Telling a story is great,we read and reading is wonderful but something in form of story attracts us and impress us more.  Telling a story is an art where the person telling story creates an imaginary world and listener  listen to what the another saying and visualize in thoughts an imaginary world where things happen.  This  is a art. A kind of field is created between storyteller and the listener  that creat a space to learn,change and grow,the person who gifts us a good story is wonderful that is why in Hindu religion,BHAGWAD KATHA OR SAPTAHIK KATHA   attracts crores of men and women. People would glued to T.V. when there is a telecasting of Bhagwad Katha on AAstha or any religious channel. We weave something


Awareness and bliss are two banks  between which the stream of energy flows and state of non-fear  will arise itself then we know our true nature and  experience of total freedom from fear. Fear is the main cause of many problems as fear  of death,fear of uncertainty  and so on. We can not end fear factor from our life but can overcome this state of mind by means of spirituality. Facing boldly the inevitable  and avoiding sense of despair- the person who has reached the highest grounds of spirituality is not disturbed by the snake-bite and does not have any adverse effect upon. Our unknown doubts cloud our vision so we fear of making a firm decision ,our wavering faith lead to failures and failures strengthen the fear factor. When we trust god and leave all up to god at the same time doing all what needed to be done,automatically stress is lighten. We have full control over our  thoughts. Fears disappears with god connection, so connect to god and be stress free,fear free- enjoy t


Road of life is full of shocks and jolts and sometimes smooth  too! At such time either you can pull yourself back or resist them and break, instead of bowing  gracefully to the shocks and burdens of life, if you proudly resist you will break and spilt emotionally and physically. Learn to be like a evergreen tree who know when to bow down their branches,how to co-operate with the inevitable. The winner is who has learned the art of living. Mind- “Don’t resist like the oak”. Actually you should be like a tire, that would absorb the shocks of the road. The road of life is full of shocks and jolts,when we resist the shocks, we set up a series of inner conflicts. Then we would be worried, tense and strained. And if we go still further and reject harsh world of reality and retreat into a world of our own ,making, we will be insane. All the problems of world has always been on the brim,in the past there were too many problems and now those all are resolved and have replaced with the n


Women experience tension due to their two conflicting and demanding roles, intuitiveness and understanding will be instrumental in resolving frustrating issues. Self discipline and self worth become important issues- wisdom gleamed from past experiences will be helpful. Keeping yourself too busy to worry proved good- beneficial. First start counting your blessing instead of problems to keep stable amongst problems of day to day life. Trust in god will save you, from many little worries and tensions.  Always be thankful for you are still in better position, you can walk and work for yourself. And it is enough to move on!


You are a loving child of god, only you need is  realization  to the fact and when you will get to know the fact. You will never give in at the time of adversity. Protect self from enemies within. Be brave enough to not give in at the time of adversity will save you from  many problems. It is always best to change lifestyle for best. Once you are awakened, then you are at ease, at rest and at peace anywhere you are! Diversion of thoughts is necessary to keep you at balance. You have to fiercely resolve that in spite of all your troubles,You would be the happiest person in the world and you would succeed in making yourself the most grateful person, for living  and expanding  energy of Our life is precious,save it. Our enemies   within  harming us continuously and damaging self. Learn to Protect love.


DEATH WILL COMES TO YOU, NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO IN YOUR LIFE.  EITHER SIT IDLE AND WATCH THINGS HAPPENING TO YOU OR MAKE THINGS HAPPEN TO YOU ACCORDING TO YOUR CONDITIONING OF MIND. Develop such mental power that you can stand unshaken, no matter what comes, bravely facing anything in life- be prepare to endure when trails come. Don"t be afraid of sufferings as the joy of material existence come and goes but the joy of spiritual existence never ends. Live in thoughts of God so that HE may pull away the strands of delusion and you will see that this frail body that you are afraid of hurting is a mental concept. You have nothing to fear.With most people  suggestion of Karma is  so strong that they can not understand this divine principle-best way is to depend on god only,give yourself to god as no one can escape himself from death and actions reaction. Surrender is the best solution, what ever is god's will so is mine.


Ethics and morality is necessary for life with a purpose.  Man is a social animal,with superiority of mind man  has enabled  progress around the world. We create our own beliefs and feelings and thoughts and shape our destiny. We weave the web of thoughts and act accordingly. How we respond depends upon the things we passionate about. Every voice comes as soft whisper within. We  create things  as per our thinking,like attracts like,law of attractio  shapes our thoughts and there by create reality. And every opportunity or choices gave its eternal knowing that can not be denied.


Nervousness is by product of useless itching thoughts itching, makes us  angry.  thoughts of fears,sorrows,hatred,discontentment ,worries  and lack of necessaries for normal life. Whereas organic or mechanical nervousness caused by mind excitement and psychological. It is accompanied by uninspiring people, wrong diet and unhealthy habits.Intense emotions  and negative thoughts and feeling some times makes a person violent or mental,sometimes emotional and physical excitement greatly disturbs the flow of life forces. If the person analysis the conditions upsetting him,remove negative thoughts little by little and maintaining inner calmness in all situations in life will heal you. All powers, to speak,think or act comes from cosmic source will give you instant freedom from nervousness.


You have discretion about what to use and what to not use, you have no discretion about what to  take and what not to take. In our day to day life having multiple choices, we have lost the freedom to choose due to endless choices and our confusions about what we should have. Life was simpler in the past decades but now, it is too difficult to choose best available option among many choices. Now mind is societies garbage bin, anybody passes by stuffs something into your mind. You receive  much more  from people, whom you do not like than people whom you like. Hate has more power of influence because it hurts you and your hurt remember the incident,feed that in mind unaware of it. In fact you have no choice about what enters in your mind as you are exposed to the world and do not know how to save yourself from its influences. Take care of minds's habits and learn to control it by way of watching it regularly. Watching the mind regularly is a good  habit and in spiritual course i


Spiritual journey is about establishing contact with your true self and find yourself in all living beings as god is the same who resides within each of us. But we pretend to be religious only to get name and fame or appreciations, you may lose the battle. Joy is within us. All of us have deep in mind a longing to be noticed, we do charities or something like that and show off by way of photographs  in newspapers or  any other media. But when we are true to ourselves,we will find god with constant will,purity of mind and actions. Majority of people are living under  insecurities and anxiety, When we are assured of god's security- we are calm and relaxed. Trusting god is not a bad thing, the bad thing is to trust god and lead an inactive life on the pretext of god is there to look after us, He will provide us all.  Do your duties and then expect no results- leave all up to almighty's will- it is surrender, belief and security of god. This is the trusted and tested way - one c


Uncertainness is the other side of coin called life. Once our hopes are high and we feel at the top of the world next time our hopes shattered and  all what we had had- no clue of its existence like tsunamis washed away islands.  For living better, do what you  have to do without a second thought. Time is a great healer, all will be well soon, wait for you wounds to be healed. No if and but only duties to be done without any excuse. With patience one can turn mistakes into  benefits by taking important notes and lessons from them. Little patience, self confidence and no shirking   of actions from hard work and lastly sticking to the principles - is indeed best antidote to  all sorrows and existing problems, clouds of misunderstandings will gone away with winds of clarity. Pressurised life always accompanied by  stress and lack of purpose drive. Then a lot of people seek refuge in spirituality. But it is strange that on the one way,they want clear cut ways and means of attaining spir


Are we really living or pretended to be living. As we are living unconsciously,,no awareness,no awakening. Law of necessity  to law of power,these two laws are governing our life. Law of necessity is the first step while law of power in final. Law of necessity explains that things do not happen to us ,we happen to things. And travelling from law of necessity to law of power will tell you that law of life has a meaning , a direction. And it is possible to understand only when we are aware and conscious by meditation. Three states we have to cross that are,darkness,confusions and  revolt against the system.. We have to cross these three states by taking responsibility of our actions and by living a peaceful and simple life then grace of god we enjoy. Learn to switch off and turn on your connection of mind, when you need you want to access is totally up to you turn on and when you need rest switch off - mind's connection.Mind is a small version of internet gather this and that from