Things upon which we meditate have multifaceted  , they have  name form, associations,residential area and so on. In fact meditation means drawing your attention from world and go within to concentrate on god only. In primary stage of meditation we focus on one thing,when we are perfect we do not need anything to go within,with practice it is possible to sit and meditate for hours together.

Lovingly concentrate  and have deep and true longing for god will take you to god. Actually and factually we can reach to god by our own efforts,others may guide us to right path only,we have to walk ourselves to reach there. By remaining  in a relationship with lord,we can attain him,the ability to reach him is given by god itself.God in turn come to rescue us.If we remain with him ,he will be with us always. It is up to us whether we have deep desire  or intense longing to reach him,intense longing means as if you are caught in grip of fire and you instantly and intensely remember god's name and jump out of fire.

Every body seeks to chase dreams,ambitions and to find true love. For some a soul mate is true love and for some god is true love. Both will get desired goals." Men gets  happiness from unlimited from the limited, none find the unlimited, Life is a journey within a frame of fix time." Time is fleeting and   every one seeks to arrive at answers as quickly as possible. Most of us want readymade style,which does not fit to everybody.They want to  get the things done.They may get good jobs good health or good money package but having all did not satisfy them as we are here not to earn well and  enjoy. We are here to search god. That is why all is not giving us joy,we fed up with all soon this is our basic nature,which remind us of higher prospective of life.Success follow failures in the sense when we get a good house there are new styles too,we get new car soon there are many new varieties of cars new brands are arriving in the market leaving us in whirlpool.

Love,soon your partner may turn in complaint box, you too focus on her/him deficiencies which earlier you do not bothered about. There are too many good looking partners. So our satisfaction is replaced by discontentment  which is root cause of our sadness,depression and all problems."where a man fail to find  a thing,sees nothing else, hear nothing else,know nothing else,this is unlimited and immortal tendency,I  do not call it greatness to have wealth, servants,possessions in abundance when each thing depend upon other,The  happiness is not in things it is a state of  mind only". Happiness is not a pleasure. Happiness does not come from outside,though we experience a feeling of satisfaction by acquiring things of our choice and taste,but it is lost soon after getting it.

Our spiritual  centre is ignored. An indulgent life gives only tensions,happiness comes from detaching self from indulgent life. It gives us deep sense of peace and it is real happiness. A yogi is who takes from this world  only what is necessary for him,he does not hoards things, possess peace not worldly things. A deliberate application of values, Purity one feels and have in his life A true yogi do not renounce the world but use it wisely without panic but with peace and glowing face.Possessions and relationships provoke us, controlling our baser instincts is called self discipline and  earning spiritual wealth which is fountain of joy. end of all delusions.A state of natural and creative happiness.

This  may not bring solace to many who are sailing troubled water,then prayer of  saint  Francis may help" O divine  master! grant me the I may not seek to be consoled as to console,to be understand as to understand,to be loved as to  love. For it is in giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that er are pardoned."

Meditation in fact empty our mind and we experience joy and deep peace which is result of shedding heavy emotional baggage which we are carrying all the time. Through meditation we clear all emotional burden and feel light.Being and nothingness we experience in meditation. Which clear our  thought pattern. We realize the futility of working endlessly day and night for nothing, with no result,at the end of life we have to leave here all our belongings,so why to worry too much for those things?

"Motivated by great compassion,ready to work ceaselessly to  deliver all beings from cyclic existence." TheMahayamist realises that the doctrine of the two truths and all other phenomena, the conventional truths- are actually one entity but appears as different to a dualistic mind.


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