One can find existence of god within and get satisfaction  in self awakening. Our Optimism leads to increased well being as  you get busy in activities which give you no time to brood over petty things,thereby will save your energy-this investment of energy in creative jobs.

Autosuggestion will help you a lot,in case you are not feeling well, tell yourself I am healthy and give powerful images and energy to yourself to feel healthy and good. As you think so shall you feel. Actually what we do we take negative beliefs and unfounded fears from the world around us. These become our invisible fences, So bring awareness to them and pin them down. Exercise the force of will and talent of heart to run through it, that is the true meaning of true opt-ism. These are not  just thoughts but action too!

 The idea to  convert negativity into a source of energy and bring back hope in life, the ability to re-frame life out of negativity is an optimistic strategy. Active coping is  what makes you –go on – to continue your  journey.  Find out hidden message in problems,it  is bright spirit and life only gets better despite of problems. Focus on positivism how we feel and in these feeling we send out a message into the universe and anything that is similar to your own thoughts gets attracted in our life. Tragedy is most of us focus on bad and sad things and attract the same in our life.

I am sad, I am not feeling well, I do not like this . Universe has no- no .  So ask in positive sense for favors to god.  Life is a journey from  birth to death and every one has to cover the gap. If one door closes another would open up for you. Best intentions  improved quality of life  deepens our relationship with god. You have to make space for new things to happen.  Let go off those which are of no use now. Utilize your energies to the fullest,be creative,committed and grow –see still there is more to explore.


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