Wonder Of Small Things.

World's Pranic healing foundation Hector s. Ra mas  says:- Divine love is a state of  consciousness produced after the soul has evolved to a certain degree. It is like blooming of a flower. It happens naurally and cannot be forced. Heart is the function of divine love, it enable the soul to become  aware of the need of others.And emotions of kindness, love, mercy,sweetness,tenderness become prominent. It is from he heart centre that the soul is able to learn the lessons of friendships.
After the heart develops, the crown blooms, when the soul becomes aware of the certain experiences that may describe Divine Love- feeling of  melting- everything is melting into sweetness- everything-every human being-any form of life-animate-inanimate is the part of one whole thing. They are all inside onething,this brings a feeling of sameness,unity,oneness-with this comes the realisation that behind every outer appearance there is one that contains everything.t
"Mentally it manifest as clarity- the soul is simply knows the nature of things, emotionally it brings an intense feeling of joy and happiness, joy that is not dependent on any outer circumstances."
When we experience this love, it will infuse joy divine ecstasy ,bliss peace and knowledge, all care,all worries,anxieties fears, mental torments and tribulations will entirely vanish. Union with god is the ultimate law of being. The highest truth is absoluteness. When the soul rises above through different states of consciousness until it attains absolute perfection and become identical with god. This  is the culmination of all spiritual aspiration- and the ultimate love.
When you look at the child, he smiles, you will see Him in child's innocent smile, His presence is in the looks of a person,that he gives you when you helped him in his hour of need, God is there all around us and we experience HIM in the joy that you get by doing small things to others.


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