In this world we have to pay for everything except divine blessedness.Its all right that we enjoy life's gift but we prone to think strange and difficult things whereas the fact is evrything is  so simple and we have made simple things difficult.
God is our nearest relative  and always with us but we search HIM here and there. We make ourselves sad by thinking, and by thinking we again can be cheerful the only change is replacing negative into positive thoughts.
We are in the habit of escapism. Ordinary people tend to think and do things which are are beyond the horizon of our own habits of life. Mind rebels if we want to make it a slave,instead we are slave of mind and do as it dictates.
Do not neglect body and its need but  God is crying for your attention so that He may release you of worldly problems,but we never bother to turn to him,trying to  cope with all.Actually three forth of the cure lies in the mind and one forth  outer help can do. Because we have conditioned our mind with perceptions. and mind is the most powerful instrument of the body.
Our inability to manage oneself leads to premature aging, diminished mental clarity -even we have blocked access to our innate intelligence. By turning our attention from worldly affairs to god will enable us clarity of mind-clarity of mind will restart our access to innate intelligence.


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