We are living in this world but we are not of this world. We belong to god and He has sent us to enjoy fruits of our actions. So practice mental neutrality and see it will obey as you instruct. We must rise above the  drama of life,play well but remember in the end of play kings and servants will be the same soul , where the discrimination on the basis of status,religion or country does not exist at all. Freedom from sense slavery is the only way to peace and happiness.

Men is lazy by nature and sitting idle is his best suited time pass.  But every one must have experienced that when we are engaged in any physical exercise or work, we tend to forget our tensions or stress even state of illness. Stay busy in physical activities to be stress free.

Doubts and  distrust bring in-differences and split relations. Even in our spiritual life doubts kills our hunger for god realization, seeking truth becomes a distant dream, again having much money and time in hand and no target,we do what we like or whatever comes in the way-until some terrible mental or physical-emotional shocks overtakes. Mental despairs no one knows when he has to suffer because of lacking spiritual hunger. God has sent all of us to experience all fruits , god-given and self created , god being creator of all universe do not like. When we suffer, it is due to our ignorance.

HE tried to put us on the safe road again & Give indication in disguise of sufferings that we are on the wrong track. But we are such a strange creature that we fix psychologically pursuits of happiness,and  search it where it does not exist all . We search happiness in earning lot of money and spending in luxuries –though god does not want us to lead a difficult life or starved us. A fulfilling comfortable life which is as comfortable as our breathing system is. We are in the habit of making simple things difficult by creating doubts or taking wrong routes.

A death before actual death is spiritual death, when we lost our interest in spirituality, and indulged in other activities which generate dullness,boredom or stress at last. God’s joy is ever new. Proper breathing system supply oxygen to all body parts equally thus remove stress.  Sitting in quiet place observing silence and viewing breaths coming and releasing, divert our attention from day to day tensions and these few moments spend for self  enhancement are joyous and introspective.


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