
Showing posts from July, 2013

WOMAN - on a spiritual journey: How long must you wait? How long will current circ...

WOMAN - on a spiritual journey: How long must you wait? How long will current circ... : How long must you wait? How long will current circumstances prevail? When we find ourselves in an uncomfortable position, it can make a big...




There are always aspects of our existence that make no sense to us. No matter how ardently we pursue enlightenment or how hard we try to understand the situations in which we find ourselves, there will invariably be questions that we just can't answer. Existence itself is a mystery! Nobody has ever managed to fully explain what it is we are all doing here. It is therefore unreasonable to expect to have an objective view of what's needed in a sensitive situation. You will just have to trust your best guess.   There are many circumstances under which we all have to put on a brave face. We learn at an early age, not to wear our hearts on our sleeve and how to hide our deepest thoughts and feelings. But this is a technique that we can get too good at. If we are not careful, we repress emotions that we would be better off allowing ourselves to express. We don't just draw the kind of veil that prevents the rest of the world from seeing them; we disguise them from ourselves w


India survives because it has mastered the art of turning many into one power brings the incompatible together. The Indian ruling elite front is a united front. If the British left",warns Winston Churchill while opposing India's independence."power will go to  the hands of rascals,rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of  low calibre and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight among themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles." But India is far from being lost,Ideology  is dead. Long live the ideology of opportunism, which keeps India united. Power unites and makes India one of its most engaging playgrounds. Indians draw on Hindu Heritage in moral and social relations,Muslim heritage in music and secular western thought in politics. Political communities are fragile entities. It takes decades to build them. And just when we think their unity is secure,they begin to show cracks and even unra


How long must you wait? How long will current circumstances prevail? When we find ourselves in an uncomfortable position, it can make a big difference to have some idea of the likely duration. Then we can steel ourselves and find some way to endure. You would very much like to know more about one particular problem. Will the tide turn soon? Or are you in it for the long haul? It will turn soon. How soon? Sooner than you fear but not quite as soon as you might hope. But it will all be soon enough.
I realized that I had been extremely lucky and became more aware of our mortality, and how necessary it is to know to how to appreciate life while there is yet time. I know there is in this world Great Happiness and Good Fortune but I also experienced misfortune, misery, pain and difficulties. I have felt the same kind of sufferings as those who appeal to me for help. And when I found that my life had been saved, I began to think about all those things. I reconsidered my own life and that of others, (in particular the lives of all those whom had I helped), but also those that it remains for me yet to help.   if I were not here, it would no longer be able to serve others. I saw you then wandering in a dark, gray land, bathed in a thick fog. I wanted to shout to ask you to come back and go into the marvelous garden again, but you didn't hear me. In this vision, I felt at the same time so near and yet so far from you. Due to the very clear vision that I had of you and your problems, a
How long must you wait? How long will current circumstances prevail? When we find ourselves in an uncomfortable position, it can make a big difference to have some idea of the likely duration. Then we can steel ourselves and find some way to endure. You would very much like to know more about one particular problem. Will the tide turn soon? Or are you in it for the long haul? It will turn soon. How soon? Sooner than you fear but not quite as soon as you might hope. But it will all be soon enough. Try not to worry. What's the best way to keep the wolf from the door? Put up a nice big sign that says, 'Wolves are welcome here.' They won't like that! No self-respecting wolf ever bays at the door of someone who actively wants to be harassed. That's not how they get their fun. It actively inhibits their ability to be lupine. Tell the wolf to go ahead and do its worst. You've got better things to be doing now. Like enjoying yourself, for example, and developing a pla

