In fact, more than 80 percent of women admit to occasionally telling what they consider harmless half-truths The tendency to tell tales is “a very natural human trait,” explains David L. Smith, Ph.D., associate professor of philosophy at the University of New England, in Biddeford, Maine. “It lets you manipulate the way you want to be seen by others, lying to save face or for self preservation.While it may be instinctual, people who frequently cover up innocent errors may start to feel as if they have permission to be irresponsible Eventually those lies hinder people from having close connections, says Smith. “Of course, there are relationships in which it doesn’t matter as much,” he says..l, consider your ultimate goal: to have a happy marriage, say, or a solid friendship. Something like “Sorry that I didn’t call you back sooner” is usually sufficient and effective, Why people do it: “To effectively give away power and control,” says Smith. “When done habitually, this can diminish a person’s ability to deal with life’s bigger problems.” When someone constantly saddles other people with his responsibilities, others can grow resentful of carrying this burden. Also, eternally passing the buck is downright exhausting. The deceiver keeps fielding lying is to sift blame Once you realize this is a behavior that can be changed, however, you can start to regain the power you may feel you don’t have.If the deception puts other people in an unfavorable light, it’s best to leave them out of it. quotations below expressing the matter clearly.


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