
Showing posts from January, 2014
Is rocket science simple? How about brain surgery? Surely such subjects are immensely complex. Isn't that why we use them as examples of challenges that only the cleverest among us can rise to? Yet the smartest folk of all are those who can pick a simple, steady path, even through a jungle of doubt-inducing detail. Might you have allowed an unnecessary additional layer of uncertainty to enter into your appraisal of a straightforward situation? A state of clarity may yet prove to be nearer than you think.
It is all right to enjoy life; the secret of happiness is not to become attached to anything. Enjoy the smell of the flower, but see God in it. I have kept the consciousness of the senses only that in using them I may always perceive and think of God. "Mine eyes were made to behold Thy beauty everywhere. My ears were made to hear Thine omnipresent voice." That is Yoga, union with God. It is not necessary to go to the forest to find Him. Worldly habits will hold us fast wherever we may be until we free ourselves from them. The yogi learns to find God in the cave of his heart. Wherever he goes, he carries with him the blissful consciousness of God's presence.
By constantly following the inner voice of conscience, which is the voice of God, you will become a truly moral person, a highly spiritual being, a man of peace.
I always remember this truth when I mentally try to find a way to escape from something that seems too hard for me. I think then: "I am escaping, not overcoming.
Look within yourself. Remember, the Infinite is everywhere. Diving deep into superconsciousness, you can speed your mind through eternity; by the power of mind you can go farther than the farthest star. The searchlight of mind is fully equipped to throw its.Superconcious rays into innermost heart of truth. Use to do so. sin
Victims of trauma... experience days 'when you feel like a quivering, cowardly shell of yourself, when despair yawns as a terrible chasm, when fear paralyses any chance for pleasure. This is just a fight that has to be won, over and over and over again.'”
It will be vital for you to recognize the moment to stop, even if this is half way through the journey. Even if you know you are right, stubbornness will cause you harm and conflict. You will have to look for equilibrium and the possibly for meditation to avoid disagreements occurring.
The purpose of life is to be happy but we can attain happiness only when we spread vibration of happiness by our good conduct.Spiritual perception grows in happiness and good behaviour towards our fellow person,parents,brother or sister,elders or younger-our dependants and harmony brings trust,love and happiness. To be good is goodness defined by self control, crystal clear thoughts and strong character.It should be the main object of one's life rather that rich and comfortable life.Because possessions are not source of happiness though they give us satisfaction or boost our ego.So watch every thought and action.Cause of wrath,delusion or loss of memory and  intellect is our attachment towards worldly goods and relations.Good conduct reflects your character,your upbringing and well being of your family's  behaviour.
If you find that every day you are becoming either touchy, finicky, or gossipy, then you know that you are going backward. The best test is to analyse yourself and find out whether you are happier today than you were yesterday. If you feel that you are happier today, then you are progressing; and this feeling of happiness must continue.
 T his is a crazy world, full of crazy things and people. Perhaps the craziest idea of all is the notion that it is possible for anyone, ever, to consider themselves sane.    Focus on  own ability to be rational.   There's comfort to be drawn from - and real practical progress to be made through - accepting that.
  Why do people queue up enthusiastically to ride roller-coasters? Why do they hurry eagerly to horror movies? Because they enjoy the adrenaline rush of intense anxiety. This is also why some people become addicted to pain, stress, aggravation, conflict, tension, misery and lack of sleep. All these too can provide a perverse pleasure.M erely to create climates in which some activities are difficult and others are easier, you are being pointed, instead, towards the path of least resistance. , you continue to tread the trickier path with enough determination, you will find it gets smoother.
  Once we know how something works, it is no longer a mystery to us. Once we know how to solve a problem, we need no longer be afraid of it. Once we recognise a bit more about what makes a particular person tick, we can feel much more sure about how we need to talk to and deal with them.