They say modern society is obsessed with instant gratification. 'We want it all and we want it now.' Ah, but do we? What about our fascination with soap-operas? Serials and sagas that rumble on from week to week? We know that we can't have everything at once, and that if we were ever granted this we would soon become overloaded. There's something intrinsically satisfying about the slow evolution of a situation. What you have today is what you need. The same will be true tomorrow.Is that a dark cloud in the distance ahead? Well maybe it is... but it does not cover the whole of the horizon. If you can see it, you can avoid it. You can change direction. You can go to where the cloud is not above your head. And if there's a cloud over you now? You can side-step that, too. Or you can decide that you don't mind the rain and the lack of light because you want to be in the place where the cloud is. That's your choice. My job is to remind you that you really do have a choice, despite what you fear


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