Whenever we are faced with any situation that we don't like, we naturally yearn to extricate ourselves from this as rapidly as possible. The more uncomfortable our circumstances make us feel, the less concerned we become about the decorum, protocol, wisdom or even legality of the escape route that seems to be on offer to us. That's where the phrase 'out of the frying pan, into the fire' comes from. Your particular pan is getting hot but it has not yet started to sizzle. Stay in it just long enough to plan a safer exit. When I was growing up, people used to say, 'You can't teach an old dog new tricks.' I doubt they say it any more. It is not very politically correct. The statement sounds ageist and it carries a faint whiff of anti-caninism. In the unlikely event that anyone has ever systematically, scientifically, researched the ability to educate an animal over time, who is to say that the fault has not been with the trainer, rather than the pet? Anyway, you are not a dog and nor are you as old as you fear. 


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