
Showing posts from February, 2017


Every day provides an education. Must it also, though, provide a limitation? Must you keep abiding by rules that you ought, really, to have left behind years ago?Because lately you have felt most unfairly restricted. Something or someone keeps telling you what you can or can't do - and you feel unable to challenge the authority of this law-maker. Just keep on being willing to learn. Any moment now, you'll make a discovery that nobody can argue with and which eventually becomes part of a process that sets you free.   It's not just in the movies where it's now getting ever harder to tell who and what is right or wrong. In your emotional life, you face a quandary, as dramatic in its own way. From an early age, we are subjected to experiences that bring us little or no pleasure. We soon learn that if we don't find a way to 'put up and shut up', we may end up enduring what we are not enjoying for even longer. Perhaps this is what gives us our strange capacity t


When is a retreat not a retreat? When it's a march down a mountain you've already climbed. Sometimes, when the descent reaches an extreme pitch, the only sensible action is to slalom or spiral downwards. It may look from the outside, and even feel on the inside, like we're doubling back on ourselves. But, eventually, after several twists and turns, it becomes obvious how much progress we're making.  Don't be afraid to return to familiar territory especially if it's the only way finally to put something behind.  Sometimes, everyone needs reassurance and comfort.  


If you persevere, you can overcome your boundaries.  I've no choice but to let this happen or accept that fate.' say it's going to rain. You can decide to carry an umbrella, or wait for sunnier times. Although some fantasies are best left unrealised, some, in moderation, can still be enjoyed responsibly. To discover who you truly are, what makes you tick, and what's just around the corner, you have to explore the world.  Are you doing what you want to? Or just what you feel you have to? Unless you actually want to do what you have to do, you may find life more enjoyable if you persuade yourself that you have to do what you want to do. Too great a sense of responsibility, or obligation, can render the simplest situation complicated and uncomfortable.


If there's really such a thing as divine justice, why have trials and law courts? Why not relax, safe in the knowledge that the cosmos will right any wrong? We can't do that, of course, but nor can we completely dismiss the notion that, somehow, through some magical system of checks and balances, justice will eventually be done. Let us imagine, for a moment, that life is a contest of some kind..


Your mind can sparkle. But if you want to feel valued, it's best you only let your high carat ideas see the light of day. To truly make sense of who you are and where your life is going.  Sometimes it feels as if life is going backwards. No matter how fast we move our legs, we seem to be moving further from our destination. But if we cannot help but move backwards perhaps it is time to turn and face the way we've come.


Different people have different views. That's what makes them different people. If they mainly had the same views, they wouldn't be so different! And if they had entirely and exactly the same views about absolutely everything? Well, what would be the point in them ever even talking? A life that contained no surprises would be so dull. A spark of conflict may be the only way to ignite a fire of constructive co-creativity. Don't reach for the extinguisher. When we challenge ourselves, we grow. And when we feel strangely close to mental and physical exhaustion? Well, that could just be a sign that we are taking the right kind of medicine and it is taking the right kind of effect. Even a heated argument between two people can't be construed as automatic evidence of incompatibility. It may just be the only way they can learn from each other. Trust what you are learning. When trying to solve a complicated crossword puzzle or when wrestling with a mathematical equation, the


Who writes the story of your life?  Who does the plotting, the production and direction that one might expect to find  behind  the progress of any character in a good, popular soap opera? Those authors have such power. With just a stroke, they can cast heroes as villains, losers as winners. What is the point? Where is the purpose?   but what do any of these things mean to us if life itself is devoid of meaning? Some would say that to discover meaning is to make the greatest gain of all - so empowering and enriching as to cast all other possible benefits into the shade.


You know what you know. You can also tell, quite easily, that someone else doesn't know what you know. They may be equally convinced that they know what they know - and there is no more for them to know. But as you know what you know, you know that what they know is not all that there is to know! So far, so good. But what if you hear them telling you what they know and you are overtaken by a great urge to tell them what you know?




  The seeds of growth are not as dormant as you may fear.   Giving yourself a break is not the same as wallowing in self-pity. It's not that you've had it much harder than everyone else, or that the world has given you a rough deal. But it's important that you recognise that some of the experiences you've been through have taken their toll and you need recuperation. That need can be met.  As long as you're kind, but fair on yourself, you'll find the world gives you the time and space you require to heal and grow stronger.BUT YOU HAVE TO TAKE FIRST STEP ALONE!


You don't have to be fair. You're under no obligation to dispense justice, or even to act with reason.   'doing the right thing' isn't something we do for the benefit of others. We do it because we know it makes us feel good. Sometimes, what matters is not so much 'getting where you want to be' as 'properly understanding where you've been.'   All that any of us ever want to know, is that by and large, deep down where it counts, everything is just about OK. That's it. You don't want a palace or a paradise... just a little recognition and reassurance. Some sensitivity and support. Is that too much to ask for? There are times when it can seem like the tallest order of all. But this really need not be one of those times.
Have you ever rallied to a cause and then found yourself sharing a platform with people you'd normally distance yourself from?      May cause you to distance yourself from an old path. By embracing the new way, you'll discover a new, more compassionate you.




To know truth you don't have to go anywhere,begin where you are! Truth is limitless and unconditional. One can have truth within when he is free of all cages. All fears or theories-philosophies should be discarded to know truth.  Understand self and your relationships with others. Watch your ideas,watch your surroundings-the world around you. Our relationships reveals our innerself. And without self knowledge we cannot define others.Whereas our focus is always to judge others and relationships. Be quiet.Be calm.Be comfortable with self first. Relationship is the mirror in which the self is revealed. Actually we are brought up in a society where our codes of conduct are already set and we are judged by them.Free self first from all cages we are in. Read your own mind,every word every thought and action,our all problems are related to society,our everyday lives and problems we are facing in finding our happiness and security. Our birthright is  to set free self of all fears,a


Man has always asked the question: what is it all about? Has life any meaning at all? He sees the enormous confusion of life, the brutalities, the revolt, the wars, the endless divisions of religion, ideology and nationality, and with a sense of deep abiding frustration he asks, what is one to do, what is this thing we call living, is there anything beyond it?


Man has built in himself images as a fence of security - religious, political, personal. These manifest as symbols, ideas, beliefs. The burden of these images dominates man's thinking, his relationships and his daily life. These images are the causes of our problems for they divide man from man.  His perception of life is shaped by the concepts already established in his mind. The content of his consciousness is his entire existence. This content is common to all humanity. The individuality is the name, the form and superficial culture he acquires from tradition and environment. The uniqueness of man does not lie in the superficial but in complete freedom from the content of his consciousness, which is common to all mankind. So he is not an individual. Freedom is not a reaction; freedom is not a choice. It is man's pretence that because he has choice he is free. Freedom is pure observation without direction, without fear of punishment and reward. Freedom is without motive; f
What's vitally important? What's entirely irrelevant? That rather depends on who you are and where you are. But conflicts invariably arise when two people have different ideas about what to prioritise.