Different people have different views. That's what makes them different people. If they mainly had the same views, they wouldn't be so different! And if they had entirely and exactly the same views about absolutely everything? Well, what would be the point in them ever even talking? A life that contained no surprises would be so dull. A spark of conflict may be the only way to ignite a fire of constructive co-creativity. Don't reach for the extinguisher.
PhotoWhen we challenge ourselves, we grow. And when we feel strangely close to mental and physical exhaustion? Well, that could just be a sign that we are taking the right kind of medicine and it is taking the right kind of effect. Even a heated argument between two people can't be construed as automatic evidence of incompatibility. It may just be the only way they can learn from each other. Trust what you are learning.
When trying to solve a complicated crossword puzzle or when wrestling with a mathematical equation, there is often a moment when we feel completely, totally, stumped. 'That's it,' we say grumpily, 'I stand defeated. I'm out of my depth and I wish that I had never tried to rise to this challenge.As you never know what inevitably happens next. You walk away for a while, wander back in a fresh frame of mind, give it another go and arrive triumphantly at your answer.Photo
When people wish to be insulting, they may say that 'he' (or she) 'knows the cost of everything but the value of nothing.' That's harsh. Is it not also an accusation that can be levelled at us all? Don't we all worry more than we should about money? Aren't we all a little blinded by the prevailing priorities of the material world? And dealing with such a situation is easy to criticise. As fast as you are finding fault with other people's choices and ideas, they may be picking yours apart. There can yet be a kind of compromise. 

It doesn't matter whose fingers you tread on as you scale the ladder of success...as long as you aren't ever planning to scramble back down it again.' Such sayings appear in many a book of quotations attributed to different people. It hardly matters where they have originated. It is sufficient for us today, to note the ugliness of the sentiment. Although you could, argue that in the caveat that follows the initial statement, there is a key clue. We never know when we may need help from someone. Best then, to behave well.


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