Are you hunting or are you fishing? Have you identified a quarry that you must tirelessly track down and then ensnare? Or are you simply placing yourself in what looks like a sensible position and then waiting to see what happens whilst remaining alert and ready to seize an opportunity when it arises? It may be time to put down your gun and pick up your rod. Why expend an enormous amount of effort in attempting to achieve something that can yet happen naturally?

You may be sincerely seeking a significant alteration in lifestyle or love, you don't necessarily need to do as much as you think you do, in order to achieve this. Think about two lines, drawn in pencil on paper. Envisage them as being almost, but not quite exactly, parallel. Where they first begin, we can hardly discern a difference. But as the trajectory extends, the gap becomes a gulf. It is more important now, to go slowly but steadily than to make some big, unsustainable gesture.


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