How long must you wait? How long will current circumstances prevail? When we find ourselves in an uncomfortable position, it can make a big difference to have some idea of the likely duration. Then we can steel ourselves and find some way to endure. You would very much like to know more about one particular problem. Will the tide turn soon? Or are you in it for the long haul? It will turn soon. How soon? Sooner than you fear but not quite as soon as you might hope. But it will all be soon enough. Try not to worry.
What's the best way to keep the wolf from the door? Put up a nice big sign that says, 'Wolves are welcome here.' They won't like that! No self-respecting wolf ever bays at the door of someone who actively wants to be harassed. That's not how they get their fun. It actively inhibits their ability to be lupine. Tell the wolf to go ahead and do its worst. You've got better things to be doing now. Like enjoying yourself, for example, and developing a plan for the future that is based more on trust and less on fear. 
What do politicians do? What is their function? What is their purpose? What are they for? Their job is to make laws. But there is surely a limit to the number of laws we need, even in a well-run and organised society. Yet if we exhausted the need for new laws, those politicians would be out of a job! So they need to keep finding new things that seem wrong and then undoing the laws that their predecessors spent so much time passing! Aren't you now being restricted by a somewhat questionable regulation?
Don't blame it on the sunshine, don't blame it on the moonlight, don't blame it on good times, blame it on the boogie.' So sang the late and (depending on who you talk to) great, Michael Jackson. What precisely is that 'boogie' to which he refers? And what is it that it - and only it - can be blamed for? I don't claim to be able to offer you the definitive answer but this much I can tell you. The song refers to a spirit of celebration that is usually best expressed in an impulse to dance. If you aren't feeling it already, you will be soon.
Don't underestimate the power you have over another person. Be particularly careful not to obscure this understanding with your own awareness of the power that they seem to have over you. The relationship works both ways. Even if you feel weak or helpless within a situation, there is no point in dwelling on your disadvantage. Think more carefully about what you may be able to say or do to adjust an imbalance or to set things moving in a very different direction. It may yet prove much easier than you think.
You can go beyond your limitations. You don't have to feel that you are stuck in a situation that you can't get out of, or that the scarcity of a resource will effectively consign you to a life of suffering. When we succumb to such pessimistic thoughts, we become our own worst enemies. It doesn't matter how hopeless a situation seems, or how much justification a negative view appears to have, the only thing that will ever really beat anyone in life, is their own belief that they are going to be beaten. You can do better than that
Have you ever held a kaleidoscope to your eye? Every little tiny twist or turn provides new variations. The sight is wondrous to behold. But as fast as you have got used to one cascade of colour, you have to adjust to a different view. Thought-provoking conversations and interesting people can tantalise the intellect in much the same way as those toys delight the eye. An argument may only be going round in circles but it is still producing many fascinating new perspectives. Don't be too quick to draw it to a conclusion.
We don't always say as much as we should say. We hold back information, even in conversations with those to whom we are close. This may be for no other reason than a sense of modesty or shyness on our part. There are some things about yourself that you really don't want too many other people to know. A companion may well have similar reservations. Silence, sometimes, can be innocent. Verbosity can sometimes be a smokescreen. Slowly, though, the truth is now being teased out. That's no bad thing
We all have different ways to deal with difficult decisions. Some prevaricate, quite deliberately. They find that if they delay, things have a way of sorting themselves out, thus rendering some of those choices irrelevant. Others begin to sense that if they spend too long evaluating endless pros and cons, the whole of their lives will vanish into a black hole of uncertainty. So they make up their minds and have done with it, never allowing themselves to look back. Whatever policy you choose to employ, you are safe to trust your judgement.
In the beginning there was the formless void. And then someone said, 'Let there be cyberspace!' And lo! Into all our lives came search engines and social networking sites. And since then the world has hardly looked back, has it? I mean, isn't there universal peace and prosperity now? What else might the human race still be lacking? In your life, there is currently something that deserves much praise and appreciation. Enjoy that and be grateful but don't mistake it for the answer to everything!
We are all inclined to bemoan our lot in life from time to time. Even film stars and millionaires are not immune from occasional moments of self-pity. Whilst they may be able to buy themselves some brief distraction from this feeling, it is a very real feeling and it should not be trivialised. But nor should it be indulged more than necessary and never should any of us assume that we are destined to pass the whole of our future in such a mood. Today's events will yet do much to reassure you of all that you have to feel glad of
Experts tell us that there is more than enough food on the planet for all seven billion inhabitants. If people aren't being fed, it is not due to a shortage of sustenance but a surplus of complication. There just isn't enough willingness to tackle the problem amongst those who have the power. Perhaps they don't realise who they are. Perhaps they just think that it ought to be someone else's job to take care of it, not theirs. Where, in your life now, might something be attainable if only you were willing to attempt it?


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