Boys are treated as men-as provider,brave and outgoing but girls are cuddled,protected and cared.
Women need more expression of love. Love they give,love they want. Love is a glowing feeling that  enhance us through out the day. Men only want to be physicals whereas women  are crazy for love.Men see love as a chance to be physical. Women are more sentimental and romantic so they give in to even in a false show off love by men. But  women do  not feel in love too rapidly as men and if there a break-up or they fall out of love  suffer less long term distress then men do. A man would tell anyone a hundred times about his wife's good nature if his wife died and he remarry someone. Women do  not express their concern for lost love or died husband if they enter into a new relationship again, in this way they are more practical  than men otherwise most of women are emotional fools. And they find difficult to forget how they were cheated by their partners in love. This is basic difference between men  and women, exceptions are always there.


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