Grace is available  for each of us,its our  need.We ought to ask for it with grateful heart and not to worry about  tomorrow.there will be enough for tomorrow.Grace comes to us with practice of SADHANA.,means doing hard work to cleansing mind-heart ,bringing purity in every aspect of our life.Out connection with god began transparent ,releasing false conditioning of mind.
Releasing blockage from our mental and physical blocks,free release of cosmic energy is made possible.And this gives us a feeling of liberated one as we have obtained  spiritual freedom, a renewed sense of life.It is not as easy as I am describing ,the process takes years together and this practice is called sadhana.We turned inward and unveiling inner voice. Praying is a source of strength,by prayer we obtained grace to do all easily.The man who does praying becomes humble but can pierce the clouds.The prayer of humble soul peneratres heavens and presents itself before the throne of god and god notice it,hears it even respond to it. Families who pray together stay together.
 Age makes you not want to waste one moment of the time we may have left, so we don't waste it on diets, trying to look better or putting up with people we don't like. We live for the day, often for the moment.  Aging makes us realize our own individuality, that we are incomparable and success is not what we have achieved but that we have survived. Aging gracefully is an art,every body should learn this art as every body would grow  old one day.


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