One of our biggest worry is to imagine the worst. In our  life nothing  like that happen. Allow time to settle down.Best to watch and wait for the thongs to change rather than strive against powerful opposition. Display and fascination attract every body, so don't give in. make attempt to look deeper in relationships, look at your own truths and encounter the games which you have been playing in personal relationships,breakthrough old patterns and feel relaxed from limitations and restrictions. Try to be yourself at any cost. It is always best to have your own judgements and do what is good for you rather than what people have to say or how it looks to other. Do not allow others to manipulate you or influence you. As you have taken steps which do not fit into your social norms or patterns.

Best to meet people in the half way and flow with them, do not resist,as sometimes unexpected happening can be beyond your expectations,imaginations or conceptions.Rather than  hold on to whatever you can , it is best to  let go and allow this process of growth to make you stronger. Expand your horizons and feel free and elevated.

Life is mixture of all type of events, some are good,some are bad,failures,sorrows and death all are inevitable so rather than fearing or feel upset, learn to live with them in a way that they should not affect our life and leave us in a miserable condition. Yoga and meditation takes you to the higher levels of consciousness. A certain amount of boldness is necessary even to accept failures and confronted with pains. Get up like a strong person.Intense faith is  needed to become physically, mentally and spiritually strong. Your inner strength will help you to cope up odd situations in your life.


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