If it really is a mountain, why is there a little furry mole with tiny beady eyes, at the top? And how come, when you stand tall, it becomes nothing more than a minor mound on the ground? Mountains don't change size, regardless of how we may alter our sense of perspective. They look big from a distance, and they look big up close. Even if we fly up in a plane and look down on them, they still seem pretty darned big. Your current challenge only seems big when you are feeling small. You can easily rise high above it. This is real life, not Hollywood. There's always a chance something truly magical will transform your life in an instant. But there remains a much greater likelihood of repetition. Most probably, what's happening today will be happening tomorrow. And so on. Is this, then, why we should train ourselves to take pleasure in the little things? Should we learn to appreciate the small because we fear we'll never encounter the big? Most certainly not. 


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