Our most valuable insights grow slowly like plants. We have days on which it seems as if these ideas have suddenly burst into flower but such moments of revelation are the result of much contemplation. Until the moment that a bud blooms or a subconscious impulse becomes an awakened recognition, we can only wait and wonder. But once there's real understanding, why should there be further delay? All will be well as long as you wait for sufficient light to dawn before you pick out a new path.There are times when you wonder if you ought not to be more assertive. You watch other people acting belligerently and, though you find this behaviour distasteful, you have to concede it gets results. People take notice. Things change as a consequence of all that noise and fuss. You are quite capable of making an emphatic gesture when you need to and you are wondering if this is a good time for it. It may be. If you are going to speak out, think carefully first about what it is that you actually need to say... and to do.You've been going through your list of options and interests as if it were a junk room in urgent need of a tidy up. You've been removing obstacles to comfort and security, slinging out this, getting rid of that. Now, you should stop before you get carried away and ruthlessly chuck out something that you might actually require one day. A struggle, followed by a breakthrough. You don't have to force anything or even decide anything,