People rarely do what they ought to do. They react badly to situations that they should be able to take in their stride. They become defensive about issues that really don't merit anxiety or concern. When we see others becoming unnecessarily upset, we do our best to reassure them. It is never so easy, though, to compensate for our own fears and foibles. Don't accept all criticisms this Christmas week. Do, though, listen with sensitivity to someone who is only sincerely trying to offer you their wisdom and support Imagine being clad in cotton wool - or clanking around in some suit of armour. It would be awkward, but it would afford a lot of protection. Many people daily don the psychological equivalent of such outfits. They wrap their hearts and their heads with many layers of attitude and opinions; all designed to keep life's raw, emotional edge of uncertainty at bay,When it is to be much more exposed. That's why your hurts hurt so badly. It is also, though, as you will discover, why your joys are so intense.


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