If there is something you need to know, ask. If you know something that someone else needs to know, don't wait to be asked. Whilst ignorance is often perceived to be bliss and messengers are sometimes shot for delivering unwelcome information, you have a duty to help others. This does not mean they must be told everything. You can be discreet and selective in what you say but you can't become a part of a campaign to confuse or a mission to misinform.Must a situation stay the same forever? Must everything be the way it has always been? Can't a relationship be strengthened? Can't a situation be better understood and more meaningfully enjoyed? Aren't you able to ask questions that may undermine an old assumption but will lead to an exciting new idea?Just as muscular people tend to assume they can push any obstacle out of their way, highly intelligent folk have a habit of assuming that all problems can be solved by the power of logic. Though logic and power is necessary.It is your ability to adapt that you must employ.


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