If you want a humbling experience of helplessness, just dwell on the past. Think about all that has happened that you now cannot change. Rue and regret it. Fill your heart with recrimination and aggravation. There. It's easy, isn't it? Now, here's something that's equally easy and a lot more fun. Turn your attention to tomorrow. That's something you can yet have real power over. Feel inspired and excited. Then stride forward on the journey through your emotional life with confidence. It really won't be misplaced.Try to reflect the kind of conditions that you are likely to face and, as you may have already noticed, some people now feel entitled to find fault with you on every conceivable count plus a few that are beyond all possible reason. Try not to take it personally. 
 When you feel as if you are trying to square a circle or pour a quart into a pint pot. You suspect that it may be impossible to achieve what you yearn to accomplish. The more you doubt yourself, the more you are going to complicate something that is actually simple. Plough on, with faith, even if you can't yet see why it is justified.Things in your emotional and personal world, will settle into a much more comforting pattern. When you feel as if you ought to be resisting a process or trying to prevent a particular development from taking place, this can make you inclined to be overly defensive. There seems to be little option other than to go along with what you don't want to go along with. That's upsetting you. Don't let it. Instead, adapt, accept and be willing to see the good in what's happening.Its simple but hard to apply in practical.


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