What will you do if you know what's good for you? You will clarify that you really do know what's good for you! The world is full of people who don't really know what they need. They make assumptions based on what they fancy or what they imagine they might benefit from. Or maybe, even on what it seems as if they might be likely to get. After all, what's the point in wishing for something that is probably unavailable? But then again, how do we ever really know what's unavailable? Don't limit yourself .Are you a fool or a genius? This could never be a fair question. Perhaps the most important, is the implication that these are mutually exclusive conditions. If only that were so simple. The smartest amongst us are often the ones who are also capable of being the most stupid - and we are all idiotic if we imagine that sometimes, even the least intelligent cannot make a magnificent, unique and constructive contribution.  You get to discover that something you thought was a bad idea, was actually a good one. 


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