How do you take your tea? And how do you feel if someone serves you an unsatisfactory version of your favourite beverage? It is only a simple thing, but it means a lot to have it just the way you want it. Perhaps one reason we are so particular about our drinks, is because life rarely gives us the chance to be quite so fussy about other factors. Too often, our only choice is to make the most of what we've got. Sometimes, too, we have to make the most of what we haven't got. And sometimes, as now, just the way it is, is just the way you need it.
Consider the abundance of nature. Think about how, given half a chance, it can turn a little into a lot. You are a force of nature too. You can turn small ideas into big ideas, passing seemingly trivial opportunities into permanent gains. You often do this impressively. But that same ability can sometimes allow you to read more than you need to into a problematic situation or a tense encounter. Keep that tendency in check . What's good is good and even what's seemingly bad, is not as bad as you fear.


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