Don't engage in a pointless debate. Indeed, don't engage in any debate you can avoid, regardless of how much point you can see in making your argument as it suggests the potential to waste valuable time and energy getting caught in a drama that's best left alone. This is time in which you have something of a far more constructive nature to do. Be discriminating, restrained and, above all, wise.
 Only if an idea or an opportunity looks simple, sweet and clear is it worthy of your attention. Some questions never get satisfactorily answered. There are two ways to describe a situation that makes less sense, the more you think about it. The first is an enigma. The second is an annoyance! What's the difference? The difference is whether or not you feel desperate to do something practical. If you are just standing back and looking from a distance, it is all an amazing mystery. 
 It's easy to talk; not so easy to listen. It's easy to be right; not so easy to say the right thing. It's easy to be afraid; not so easy to overcome a fear and replace it with a profound understanding. By such criteria you have a difficult month in store! You are going to do a lot of listening. A lot of clever, careful talking. A lot of courageous shadow-boxing. You are going to get the better of a habit or an attitude that, for too long, has prevented you from fulfilling your true potential. Challenging issues will arise but all will leave you better off. 


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