In the olden days, when the world was less enlightened, people used to say, 'What you don't know won't harm you.' Now, we know this isn't true. Secrets produce great confusion and disorientation, even if kept for what are purportedly the most noble reasons. But here is what definitely can harm you. What you do know! What you feel so very sure that you know, that you don't even question it any more. What you take totally for granted. Look at what you are not looking at. Then you will see what you really want to see!
Have you ever noticed how, when bugs and illnesses start going around, the pharmacists are always well-stocked with remedies? What if the very same drug companies who sell us the cures are actually, secretly, releasing the viruses into the air. This couldn't really be the case or we would be living in a most dreadful world. But there are times when the darker sides of our imaginations can all too easily lead us down such gloomy roads. Be just a little careful, not to get caught up in a web of insidious fantasy. 


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