In a study done at Newcastle University, it was demonstrated that green tea reduced the
growth of tumor cells and reduced the trigger of Alzheimer's disease by binding toxic
compounds that damage brain cells. Other studies point to green tea's ability to protect
against sun damage and lower the risk of skin cancer. It has also been demonstrated
that drinking 2-3 cups of green tea a day promotes fat burning, promotes healthy
digestion, regulates blood sugar and body temperature and decreases the risk of heart
disease and hypercholesterolemia.Since ancient times, beets have been used to treat a number of health conditions such
as anemia, ulcers, constipation and kidney ailments. Beets are also known as a
powerful blood purifier due to their high iron content. The antioxidant betalain gives
beets their rich color and is a potent anti-inflammatory which contains fungicidal
properties. Beets have been credited with liver healing and the prevention of lung,
spleen, liver and colon cancerBlueberries are incredibly easy to eat. You can add them to cereals, baked goods,
yogurt or eat them fresh, frozen or as a juice. For best results buy local, organic
blueberries or the fresh, frozen kind.Kale is an ancient descendant of wild cabbage like its cousins cauliflower, collards and
broccoli Kale is even higher in iron than beef. Iron is necessary for both hemoglobin and
enzyme production, as well as transporting oxygen throughout the body, cell growth and
healthy liver function. Additional support for a healthy liver comes from this leafy green’s
fiber and sulfur content. The vitamin K in kale protects the body from cancer and
promotes bone health. Amazingly, kale contains more calcium than milk. Kale lowers
cholesterol levels and boosts the immune system and metabolism.cranberry juice many even stop the bacteria responsible for ear infection in
children. The same antibiotic properties make cranberry juice well touted for its ability to
fight bladder infections.
This holiday staple food is rich in vitamin C and fiber and contains only 45 calories per
cupAll nuts are rich in vitamin E, but almonds have
almost 40% of the daily recommended value in
just one ounce. Almonds are loaded with
© The 12protein, almost 6 grams per ounce, and are an excellent source of magnesium,
potassium, manganese, copper, fiber and the B vitamin riboflavinAlmonds are an excellent addition to any detox because they are high
in fiber, protein and calcium, which help to stabilize blood sugar. A study in the
International Journal of Obesity notes that dieters who eat a mere 3 ounces of almonds
daily lose more weight around their waists than dieters who don't eat almonds. If you
want to boost brain power, consider almonds. They contain a substance known as
phenylalanine, which is chemical known to sharpen cognitive function, when consumed
in its natural form.
Almonds help to regulate cholesterol and are a good source of nutrients to support heart
health. These tasty nuts reduce C-reactive protein, which can cause inflammation in
arteries. The folic acid in almonds also reduces homocysteine levels, which can cause
plaque to build up in the arteries.n America notes that this algae may
decrease the side effects of chemotherapy
and reduce the growth of cancer cells. Chlorella has
been used for many years in Japan, where it is both
a popular food and a supplement.Chlorella is loaded with vitamin C and carotenoids,
both antioxidants which protect cells from free
radical damage. In addition, this nutrient-dense
algae has a high concentration of B vitamins and
iron.Chlorella supplements also help to increase the amount of albumin the body. Albumin,
found in the bloodstream, protects against diseases such as diabetes, arthritis,
pancreatitis, hepatitis, anemia and AIDS. By cleansing the body of toxins and heavy
metals, chlorella may help prevent certain cancers from forming. Some researchers call
this underwater gem the perfect food, claiming that it can even reverse the effects of
agingThis blue-green algae is rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and
carotenoids which protect cells from damage. Spirulina absorbs heavy metals from the
water it is grown in and does the same in our bodies when taken as a supplement. Early
studies on spirulina show promise that this algae, rich in B complex vitamins, vitamin E,
iron, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, beta-carotene and essential fatty acids, can
boost the immune system and protect against allergic reactions. Spirulina also shows
indication of having anti-viral and anti-cancer propertiesMarine phytoplankton fosters cellular healing and regeneration. SWhen most people think of seaweed they don't think of eating it. However, this simple
ocean plant has an impressive nutritional profile and contains many vitamins and
minerals that are not found in "land grown" edible plants.
Eating a diet rich in garlic boosts the body's ability to fight off bacterial infections and
toxins that try to attack, while strengthening cells in the immune system. Garlic has 
been extensively studied as a possible cure for HIV/AIDS. In addition to reducing blood
pressure, garlic has also been found to lower unhealthy cholesterol.To reap all the detoxifying benefits of garlic, you must slice it, juice it, blend it or chew it. 
You can also cook with it. This is how the healing properties are stimulated into action. 
Use garlic in soups, spreads, salads, stews, on rice or cooked with meat. If you can't 
stand the taste of garlic, consider a high quality whole food supplement.Garlic is from lily family which include onion and leeks.Cayenne has been used medicinally all around the world for centuries for such 
conditions as sore throats, fever, paralysis, gout, tremors, nausea and diphtheria. Hot 
and spicy, this nightshade veggie adds zest to foods and is a member of the capsicum 
family, commonly referred to as chili 
has received much attention for its 
ability to fight pain, prevent ulcers and 
promote cardiovascular wellness. This 
hot ingredient also opens up clogged 
nasal passages and clears congestion.This fiery veggie also promotes circulation and blood flow to 
peripheral areas of the body. As cayenne warms the body, it stimulates the release of 
mucus from respiratory passages and can clear a congested sinus cavity in an instant.Ginger, a tropical plant with green and purple flowers and an aromatic underground 
stem is a relatively common spice that was considered a luxury item during ancient 
times. The zippy spice is in the same family as turmeric and cardamom. Ginger was 
once used by Indians, and the Chinese to treat a host of ailments including respiratory 
problems and intestinal conditions. Ginger originated in Southeast AsiaMake delicious lemon-ginger detox tea by placing a piece of fresh ginger in a cup and
fill it up with hot water. Add a slice of lemon and some honey for a quick and healthy hot
tonic. You can drink as much tea as you would like for a 24-hour detox. The lemon juice
in the tea will support healthy immune and liver function, while the ginger reduces
inflammation and encourages healthy digestion. Ginger is also tasty when grated into
soup, sprinkled on fish or added to fresh fruit and yogurt. Healthy becteria as such yogurt,aged  andcheese,probiotic milk miso, tempeh, and kimchiWe recommend the Pro-X10™ Supplement as it is able to deliver up to TEN TIMES 
more healthy bacteria to your gut–the equivalent of 50 BILLION CFU daily–when 
compared to traditional probiotic products where 93% of cells are rendered dead before reaching to final destination.Traditional use of the flower 
suggests that it is a good source of 
antioxidants, can relieve pain from 
headaches, menstrual cramps and 
backaches, and help to lessen the impact 
of depression. The flowers contain both 
vitamin A and vitamin B-12, which support healthy eyes.
Dandelion root is available as a dried powder or tincture. Dried root decoction is often
made into a tea. Extract of dandelion roots is also found in capsules or tablet form.
Some people boil flowers and add honey and lemon for a sweet, healthy syrup. If you
pick your own dandelions, be sure that they are pesticide-free.For centuries, milk thistle has been used as a "liver potion," and is now receiving more
attention from scientists who are interested in its healing properties. Research and 
clinical trials have been positive to date, especially in the areas of liver repair, rebuilding 
and cleansing. TParsley is an excellent source of vitamins K, E, C, B and A. It also contains iron, 
manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. The powerful 
antioxidants in parsley act as a diuretic have potent antiseptic properties and provide 
energy to the body. The volatile oils in parsley have been found to prevent tumor 
formation and neutralize the spread of cancer in the lungs to other areas in the body. A 
recent study conducted at the University of Missouri showed that the flavonoid apigenin 
slowed breast cancer in mice.This delicate herb also helps relieve symptoms of inflammation and infection. Parsley is 
effective in helping symptoms of arthritis pain, bruises, insect bites, toothaches and 
chapped skin. When consumed as a tea, parsley can benefit the heart and strengthen 
the immune system. IFennel seeds are a good remedy against intestinal worms and bacteria and can help to 
encourage digestion. An infusion made with fennel seeds is also thought to sharpen 
eyesight and alleviate eye irritationsResearch indicates that fennel many help 
prevent colon cancer because of the toxin 
removal power of its fiber. Other health 
benefits attributed to fennel include relief 
from anemia, constipation, diarrhea, 
menstrual disorders, respiratory problems 
and indigestion. like its cousin parsley, is a 
diuretic, and increases the frequency of 
urination, thus helping with the removal of 
toxins from the body. Fennel also contains 
vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, 
manganese, iron and vitamin B3, along 
with other vital nutrients. The potassium in 
fennel helps to lower blood pressure.
Fennel seeds are a good remedy against intestinal worms and bacteria Celery is a member of the parsley and fennel 
family, and is a crunchy vegetable that is often
eaten raw as a snack, or juiced.Avocados,whole eggs,grass fed beef Nuts: Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans, Macadamia What I try to do is eat a handful of almonds, pecans, or walnuts about 20-30 minutes before 
each meal… this lowers my appetite due to the healthy fats, protein and fiber, and ultimately 
allows me to eat less calories during each main meal of the day. 
My favorite healthy nuts are pecans, pistachios, almonds, and walnuts,Berries - including blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and even the "exotic" Goji berry: 
Berries are a powerhouse of nutrition... packed with vitamins and minerals, and also some of 
the best sources of antioxidants of any food in existence.


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