Don't completely write off an old emotional investment. It may never pay dividends in quite the way that you once expected it to but that doesn't mean you have been wasting your time. Recent endeavours have taught you a lot. And they have definitely 'come to something'. You now need to review various worldly commitments. You are under pressure and you are beginning to resent an apparent drain on your resources. But, in the people around you and your connection to them, you have the most enormous assets.
 Some boats pitch and yaw much more dramatically than others. An experienced sailor can compensate for this to some extent, by handling the controls with care. If the hull rolls too badly, though, the crew will soon start yearning for a transfer to a more stable ship. Recent events in your emotional life, may have left you wondering whether you are really aboard an appropriate vessel. Soon, though, you will see how, just by making a small adjustment, you can obtain a much smoother ride. Let your heart guide you to a safe harbour.


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