Why are some processes so painfully slow? We can understand natural, organic, issues. Trees need time to take root. Eggs must be incubated before they can hatch. But what about commercial and conversational exchanges? We are human (and therefore natural and organic) but, surely, we are not obliged to conduct all our business at such a slow pace. You would very much like something to start happening a little more swiftly. But then, no change there! Try to make more allowance now for someone else's reticence. But to be  both blessed and cursed with an insatiable appetite for progress. You like to feel that, once wheels have been set in motion, they will be able to keep on rolling without fear of impediment or obstruction. Factors that seem to stand in the way of this begin to seem like your enemies. Why do these 'reasons why things must happen slowly' exist? What gives them the right to get in your way? How dare they impinge on you? But such a response from you  is a chance to clear up confusion from the past and inject fresh energy into old hopes. Have you ever tried to untangle a hosepipe that has been left lying around for a few months, after being hastily put away? It is a slow process. Each time you think you have got rid of all the kinks and arranged a nice straight, smooth, path for the water to flow through, you realise that there is yet another knot to tackle or an indentation to squeeze out. And all that is before any leaks that may need repairing. It may not be much fun but it is a doable deal. Expect success with the psychological equivalent of such a task. We have a chance to clear up confusion from the past and inject fresh energy into old hopes. 


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