Smile and the world smiles with you. Cry and you cry alone. Or so they say. Actually, people are more sensitive to the emotions of others than most of us realise. Just as we tend to yawn when we see strangers yawning in the street, we get grouchy when we encounter bad-tempered characters. And when we come across charming folk, we find ourselves responding in kind. Your moods are now being influenced by a particular person - and you, in turn, are making an impact on other individuals. Remember this please.
 History is hypnotic. We can dwell on it and mull it over to our heart's content (or discontent, as the case may be). The future is fascinating. We can wonder what it may hold for ever and a day, getting so involved in conjecture that we fail to notice when a new reality has arrived. Look in either direction and you will gain a sense of escape from the present. But is that what you want? Your luck is due to be deeply rewarding. You will miss the opportunity within it if you spend too much of your time in another time.
 Sometimes we get visitors. Sometimes we are delighted by their presence. And sometimes we stare wistfully at the wall wondering if they will ever leave. Planetary influences can be like uninvited guests. Some stay a short while; others take residence. All, even those we feel pleased to see, require us to make major adjustments. You have now spent so long living with a certain situation that you have almost forgotten how life could be any other way. Life, though, brings the arrival of a much-needed new challenge.
Some parts of the future, they tell us, are set in stone. Others, they suggest, are merely etched in pencil. The pencil can be inked in, or it can be erased and replaced. But the more solid stuff is beyond all change. What's the matter with these people who say all this? Have they never been to visit the Taj Mahal? It is possible, not just to chip away at a piece of stone till you change its inscription but even to alter the message on a piece of marble. It just takes a little more effort. Remember that.


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