Some situations seem so downright rotten - and some experiences feel so irredeemably miserable - that we simply cannot imagine what constructive purpose they may ever serve in our lives. Now, don't worry. I'm absolutely not identifying some forthcoming calamity of such intensity. Just draw your attention to a point in the past where you once endured such an ordeal. You did learn something from it. A gain was made. It's just that up until now, you never realised this. But you are seeing the pleasing proof.

Your intuition is good. There is no doubt of that. You can read situations well. You can naturally respond to passing ideas and sudden inclinations. If a part of you thinks, 'I'll go down this street today, instead of that one.' It is probably for a very good reason. Don't expect to foresee winning racehorses or the outcomes of vital sporting events. But do expect to have some winning ideas.

Some people seem to suffer commitment-phobia. They are afraid of making promises they can't keep. Others experience the reverse of this syndrome. They worry endlessly and unnecessarily about how badly they will be judged if they ever change their minds about anything. Thus they stick rigidly, not just to agreements and arrangements, but to all and any preferences that they have ever expressed.

 Is there  something that now posing the greatest potential problem. Allow some space for change.
It is amazing how much you can communicate with gestures, particularly if you smile a lot. Anyway,  it is important to note that there is nothing intrinsically wrong in a situation where people don't speak to each other. Silence, can just as easily be golden as leaden.

You can make of it what you will try.What's wrong? And just how wrong is it? Perhaps what's really wrong with it is that it isn't quite so wrong as it appears. In fact, some of it may even be right! That makes it really wrong. One of the hardest things in the world is to recognise the right in something that seems wrong. You have to overcome an enormous instinctive urge to dismiss and reject everything about it before you can find the wisdom to see why some of it ought to be accepted and embraced.

It isn't always good to say what you think - particularly if what you are thinking happens to be potentially controversial. Nor is it always wise to say what you feel. Someone else may feel very uncomfortable about what you feel! But, then again, if nobody ever tells anybody anything, how would proper communication ever take place? We would all just be guessing, wouldn't we? Are you now working on a guess? A hunch? An assumption? Or an unfounded fear? There is a chance to find out.


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