Magic can't easily happen where there are too many rules. It doesn't like regulations any more than it appreciates explanations. Magic needs a degree of chaos, spontaneity, laughter, excitement and inspiration. Magic moments come to those who unwind, who stop forcing issues or allowing negative emotions (like fear or anger) to overwhelm them. Magic can happen in your life this month. Be glad then, of all that's turbulent, troublesome and tumultuous. That's what's most likely to facilitate the magic. Lovely though some of your friends are, you can't always rely on them for support. It's not fair to say certain people are letting you down at the moment. Some may be, but others are doing all within their power to help. It's just that their powers are limited. In September, your power to help yourself, however, is much greater than you realise. No matter what you find worrying, be brave this month. You will find, as soon as you determine to press ahead alone with a positive plan, that you have company of the most inspiring kind.
Imagination is actually a very practical thing. So too is self-indulgence. And there is a very real point and purpose to a certain amount of time-wasting. Truly practical people appreciate the importance of inefficiency. When you try too hard to make every second count, or every penny... you raise an impossible expectation. There's nothing practical about that. Try to focus too hard  and you'll make the edges even more blurred. Approach September's goal at a steady pace and you'll soon find you are practically there. People speak about civilised societies or respectable communities. Yet no society since the dawn of time has been completely civilised. Evolved, maybe. Sophisticated, perhaps. But perfect? No way. And as for respectable? Well, we all deserve respect, yet without exception, we could all do more to earn it. Some events make you aware of a flaw or an area of fallibility in an area of life that you're keen to feel proud of. Deal with that honestly yet realistically and you'll yet have a highly successful month.
 There is an old saying, 'If things are going well, steel yourself. Sooner or later, they're going to get worse. If things are going badly, cheer up. They will improve, even if all you do is wait.' A very natural law dictates that sooner or later, everything must change. If you want the fun to last longer and the stress to pass faster you must identify less closely with narrow definitions of success and failure. Stand back to see your situation for what it is, not what you think it is. 


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