There are some situations in which you really don't want to leave any stone unturned. Every option needs to be explored. Everything that can be done ought to be done. Under such circumstances, the most far-fetched possibility deserves to be investigated. Still, though, there must be an order of priority. Some things are more likely to make a big difference in your emotional life, than others. Address those first. Begin in the obvious place but don't stop until you have allowed yourself to go as far as you need to go.
Are you in the mood for an argument? Oh, yes you are! Well, okay then, maybe you are not. But it certainly seems as if someone is. You will find it hard to avoid being drawn into some kind of debate. Contentious issues are under discussion. Irritating assumptions are being made. No matter how hard you try to rise above the battle, you will find your passions are hard to suppress. Perhaps it is better to let them out. Someone needs to know the score and you are the best person to tell them - gently!
 Why do we so often 'hurt the ones we love?' Because it's easier than hurting the ones we don't especially like. Normally, we don't have access to them. Even if we can say something nasty to them, they are unlikely to take it seriously, even if they could hear it. In your world now, there's tension where there ought to be harmony; and resentment where there really should be respect. It may take 'two to tango' but it only takes one person to be big enough to back away from a conflict. It's up to you to be big now. 
Don't fill up on candy. You will spoil your appetite for proper food. But what if there is no proper food on the way? What if you had best resign yourself to extracting as much nutrition as you can from that which is sticky and sweet? Some people have some very funny diets. They get used to things which are really very bad for them. But, then, others eat all the right stuff and it certainly doesn't guarantee them a healthy attitude to life. A little of what you fancy now, in many areas of life, could do you more good than you think


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