Sometimes You can spot, at a thousand paces, a flaw in an argument or a loophole in a law, you may have a blind spot. In one key area, you are taking, at face value, something that really needs to be questioned. We must ignore the irrelevant's and focus on relevants.
None of us ever really knows quite how powerful a positive word can be. Or a generous gesture. Or an encouraging smile. When we offer them, it simply seems as if we are responding to a small, warm, impulse. We are unaware of how we might be changing the course of someone's future, altering their attitude, supplying just the strength they need to overcome adversity. Perhaps some little moments of magic really are just little moments. But others, as you will see this weekend, have the potential to be enormous.
If anyone knows what's really going on, can they please tell the rest of us? That's part of the problem, isn't it? Nobody can tell anybody anything because everybody is so busily telling it all to everybody else. Even those who believe that there is no satisfactory explanation are getting their viewpoint across so well that those who reckon to have sensible answers still can't be heard. Yet despite all the chaos and craziness, there's magic in the air around you now. Just remember that communication is a two way process!
Why does a red light say stop and a green light say go? What primeval protocol is being followed here? Wouldn't a ripe red fruit say 'pick me now?' Wouldn't a bright green tree in your path say 'Stop and figure out a way to get round this.' Philosophical conversations like this are best held when neither participant is in charge of a moving vehicle! Right now, you're seeing signs and symbols which have a fairly clear meaning. The time to wonder what else they could imply is once you've heeded the obvious! 


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