Don't you wish you could start again with a clean slate? Well in one key area of life now, you can... and you must. For, if you stick with how things used to be, you will miss out on a wonderful opportunity. Perhaps you think that you're not hanging on. It's the past that won't let go of you, not the other way around. But for as long as you're not sure how far into the future you want to tread, irrelevant issues will continue to distract you from an important matter by disguising themselves as vital factors! You must be brave.
People are not machines and machines are not people.  There are, though, reasons why you may now feel tempted to deal with an individual as if you were dealing with a mechanical system, attempting to be rational and reasonable, measured and methodical. There's some advantage in such an approach, but there is also a need to speak in very human terms , show some emotion. In real life too, we can often jump to the wrong conclusion. We can take too much evidence at face value. We can think we know all there is to know when only half the story has been told. Don't make that mistake.
You may not yet have decided to clear the decks, Either you are following an instinctive urge to shed unnecessary commitments and keep your options open, or your situation is effectively doing that work on your behalf. Go along with this process, regardless of why it seems to be taking place. Don't worry that you may be losing something you need to keep. Rest assured that you are making room in your life for something good.


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