We each have a different animal, this can be a Jaguar, or a Crow, a Cougar, a Moose, a Horse, a Snake, a Dolphin or any other creature. By getting closer and by working in greater harmony with our totem animal we also get closer to the purity of our childhood spirit, that side of us which is entirely free from prejudices. As a matter of fact children are naturals at working with the spiritual and their guides. Children's minds are still unburdened by adult prejudices and disbeliefs and their imaginations are entirely free of fetters. The concept of having an invisible animal watching over them makes perfect sense to children. Think about the number of kids who have imaginary friends and how many of these imaginary friends might actually be spirit guides who later in life still guide and protect but who do not enjoy the same beautiful relationship with a person that they used to before this person 'threw away childish games'?
Shamanism is thoroughly proven and has been used for thousands of years. It is certainly over 30.000 to 50.000 years old and it has been speculated to be much older than that. The only other religions which approach this age are Judaism and Buddism and they are both only around 5.000 years old. Shamanism is thus a very ancient practice which has lasted throughout all these years, quite certainly because this technique link us to the wilderness within ourselves, a place of passion and true freedom. It helps us to 'cut through the crap' so to speak and gets right to the source of the life force itself. any natural object,being or animal with whose phenomena and energy,we establish a close connection are known as totem animals. A reflection of the inner-most recesses of the self,totem animals also represent those hidden or obscured qualities that are necessary in our day to day life. By delving deep within, you can find spirits representing  your totem animal,it will give you additional power which helps us to see our inner spiritual self by functioning like a mirror and it is through them that we realize many things ourselves. They are great teachers who guide and teach us through many powerful lesson. A feeling of unity between natural objects and human group is the core of all totemism. according to Vienna ethnologist Bernhard Ackerman. This feeling,though expressed in varying degrees, can be observed anywhere,and belief in totem animals can be traced back to very ancient cultures and is frequently associated with Shamanistic religions. Archaeological remains, dating back to 5000 years unearthed in Sanguineous,China,show artefacts,confirming  the oldest surviving totem culture and the bronze animal sculptures of dragon snakes,tigers and birds, excavated in 1986 in SanXingdui, reflect the ancient Sushi people ideology that all things have spirits and that due respect has to be shown to spirit guides,history of this fascinating technique.


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