We all knew that sooner or later, the pretence is bound to collapse. We knew all is well and only our own frustrations lead to negative thinking. But that's always the case when we attempt to keep up false appearances. Play it a little straighter today as purely by accident of birth, some people should be entitled to have power over others. I take their point. I even half agree. But then, doesn't astrology appear to support the idea that accident of birth is everything? There's more to it than that, just as there is more to the idea that relatives should always matter more than friends. Don't be inhibited by a redundant tradition.
We like to think that things always happen for a wise and benign reason. We want to think that the forces that govern the universe have only our best interests at heart. Even if we don't like some of the things that are happening, it suits us to imagine that somehow, they are the result of a vital plan, envisaged by a supreme intelligence. The most obvious alternative view is very depressing. What if it's all just random? But it isn't just random! There really is a higher force at work in your life now, and you are safe to trust it.  
They often made sweeping statements about astrological influences. If someone were born under a particular aspect, for example, they might say that such an individual would be likely to be a criminal. That kind of thing is no longer politically correct - and rightly so. Nobody is born bad! All of us are born good! And redemption is possible, even at the end of the most challenging or even seemingly unforgivable story. Keep that in mind  always. 
The secret of a success in life, involves learning to make the most of things. If we find ourselves in a bad situation, we should try to extract something good from it. As soon as we even see a cloud on the horizon, we should start looking out for the silver lining. Yet we shouldn't do this at the expense of our discrimination and nor should we let it inhibit us from fighting to get the very best that life may have to offer. You are entitled to set high standards now and to expect some surprising success in attaining these. 
Why would your best not be good enough? Why might things go wrong if you had done all within your power to make them right? Why would you not be able to avert a disaster or solve a problem? I'm asking only because I'm intrigued to know your opinion. I don't have one. Or rather, I don't have any idea other than a sense of confidence based on a full appraisal of your astrological outlook. From here, it's clear. You are due to do well. Things will turn out okay. Don't waste your precious time worrying; just do what needs to be done. 


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