They say, 'When one door closes, another door opens.' That's not always true. In certain rooms, where both doors have been left ajar, air pressure can change upon the sudden shutting of one door, so as to cause the other to shut too. But even when opportunities seemingly evaporate before our very eyes, we can rightly assume that it won't be long before new opportunities emerge to take the place of the old ones. No matter what is closing off for you now, what's opening up counts for so much more.
Often, the people who accuse one another of having hidden agendas or questionable intentions, are the ones who are secretly most capable of carrying out those transgressions. Some such individuals have long since learned that attack is the best form of defence. Where there is now suspicion or mistrust in your world, look more carefully at the person who is most vocally expressing the greatest concern and insecurity. What really lies behind that? Be sensitive and you may yet gain a most valuable is like a compass pointed in the same direction ,why? We have to explore this! 


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