Once in a while, good things really do come out of nowhere, likewise bad things may come out of nowhere. Sometimes we work too hard and get nothing, end up in self blaming. For god sake-  what is happening and what we should do. We all tend to feel that if we aren't making a lot of effort, putting ourselves to a great deal of inconvenience and paying a high price in terms of personal sacrifice, then we are not really earning whatever we are getting. 
We also tend to assume, that if we are not getting anything at all, we are simply not trying hard enough to attain it.consider how  our luck works we get some dreadful situations quite by accident and we manage to get out of them too. Things turn around. Lucky breaks arise. In the funniest moments of all we may get into trouble and then right back out of it, without even understanding that any of it has happened. What has been happening in our life lately, is not that funny. But all have a fine outcome. This is life and doing something actually need skills.Action needs activity actually done,not in dream.
we all deserve something better always,and if we are not careful-nothing left,fearful ones never do. Cosmos is always ready to give you what you need so put efforts rest will come.Too much of everything is not good. Never succumb to fears, myths are cause for concern.  From the earliest age, children are urged to consider the consequences of their actions. 'Don't do this or that might happen.' 'Do this instead and you will be rewarded.' When neither the threats nor the prizes are likely to manifest, adults resort to scaring their children by inventing monsters or deities who are monitoring their behaviour. They do this so successfully that, even when we all grow up, we still imagine that such things are true.
Though there may be many times when it pays to have a strategy, there are at least as many occasions when the determination to stick to a prearranged plan destroys all sense of spontaneity. Some very precious kinds of opportunity can only ever be seen on the spur of a moment. You can't legislate for them or expect them to somehow turn up at an appointed hour.  Simply we need to be on the lookout for just such a golden chance. The more plans we make, the less likely it is that we will be able to see it. Now,  we should be grateful when life seems generous towards us, rather than find fault with whatever we have been offered.


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