Why search for meaning in a world full of madness? Why plot and plan when everything is subject to sudden change? These are good questions and they have good answers. We must do all this because we cannot function without at least a little structure, even if it is only temporary. You may suspect that you do not know the full story about a situation. You are right. There is much more to discover. The information you have, though, is sufficient for the time being. Trust it and be more relaxed. All will work out fine.
What did people do back in the good old days? They used to sit around wishing that they were back in what, to them, were the good old days! Adam and Eve were the only human beings who never sat around getting all nostalgic, so God gave them a serpent to talk to instead. It served much the same purpose. It led them away from the holy grail of all existence: the joy of being in the here and now. Don't wallow in the muddy pool of yesteryear. Drink from the sweet fountain of faith in the future.
Where would you rather have your problems? Festering away like rotting fruit in dark corners of your world or clearly laid out before you where they can be systematically fixed? It's easy to give a glib answer but when we face issues that make us uncomfortable, we tend to deny that there's anything to discuss. We focus on trivial concerns and ignore deeper factors that are really bothering us. You now need to look at what you truly feel, you may need to be honest with yourself.


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