Every night for the next few nights, moonrise will take place a little earlier than it did the night before and as the moon rises up over the horizon, a little more of it will be visible. It is waxing and it will continue to grow till eventually, it comes up just as the sun goes down and is completely full. So there. Written across the sky is your reminder of the cyclical nature, not just of moods, emotions, fashions and trends but also of physical circumstances and material conditions. A change for the better is slowly coming to your life now.It is equinox! In the northern hemisphere, it marks the beginning of spring. In the southern hemisphere it heralds the onset of autumn. And in your life, wherever in the world you happen to be? It speaks of renewal. Reflection, reconsideration and review, all swiftly followed by decisive, even slightly dramatic, action. You are doing what needs to be done. You have given it more than enough thought. Waste no more time wondering about the ifs and the buts. Just trust what you know.Life is to move on!


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