koutilya offers wide range discussions on war and diplomacy. kings willingness to make treatesmsilent war, using secret agents who used to kill leaders and SOWED DISCORDS among them. his view of weapons of war,his use of religion and superstition to bolister  his troops and demoralise enemy soldiers ,the spread of discriminaion  and his uman treatment of conquered soliders . these  views written by roger boesche. viewing these lines are not we get to know the present system is almost same as it was then,nothing has changed except time and people but diplomacy and politicts is almost same as it was.
if you tell someone that he is useless,stupid and unimaginative he would demoralised and lost self- worth . this destroy possibility of their improvement,why we do,perhaps to satisfy ego. it is inot good instead one should be encouraged to realise his potential y encouraging which will result in big difference in the life of other.


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