.Knowledge, is one of the secret keys which unlock the hidden mysteries of a successful life.Lincoln took the postmastership for the sake of reading all the papers that came to town. He read every thing he could lay his hands on; the Bible, Shakespeare, Pilgrim's Progress, Life of Washington and Life of Franklin, Life of Henry Clay; he read them over and over again until he could almost repeat them by heart; but he never read a novel in his life. His education came from the newspapers and from his contact with men and things. After he read a book he would write out an analysis of it. What a grand sight to see this long, lank, backwoods student, lying before the fire in a log cabin without floor or windows, after everybody else was abed, devouring books he had borrowed but could not afford to buy!Lincoln's homely maxim of 'pegging away' have achieved the solidest success.
"Nature, when she adds difficulties, adds brains". --EMERSON
"Kites rise against, not with, the wind.
From an aimless, idle and useless brain, emergencies often call out powers and virtues before unknown and unsuspected. How often we see a young man develop astounding ability and energy after the death of a parent or the loss of a fortune, or after some other calamity has knocked the props and crutches from under him.For his heart was in his work, and the heart Giveth grace unto every art. --LONGFELLOW.
"G.ive me where to stand and I will move the world'
Beecher was a very dull boy and was the last member of the family of whom anything was expected. He had a weak memory, and disliked study. He shunned society and wanted to go to sea. Even when he went to college many of his classmates stood ahead of him, who have fallen into oblivion. But when he was converted his whole life changed: he was full of enthusiasm, hopefulness and zeal. Nothing was too menial for him to undertake to carry his purpose. He chopped wood, built the fire in his little church in Lawrenceburg, I, cleaned the lamps, swept the floor and washed the windows. He built the fire, baked,washed, when his wife was ill. The pent-up enthusiasm of his ambitious life burst the barriers of his inhospitable surroundings until he blossomed out into America's greatest pulpit orator.
Key to success is hard work.Secure within to win all struggles and hardships which indeed enable us to grow.Winners are those who defy all adverse circumstances.