You have so much to be thankful for. We could even, arguably, celebrate some of the things you feel inclined to resent. Not all are as bad as you fear. Some, at the risk of trotting out the oldest cliche in the book, are blessings in disguise. And there is a reason why phrases become cliches. It's because they contain such powerful truths. A powerful truth now needs to be recognised and embraced in your world. You are neither in your current situation by accident or by way of punishment, but by way of divine design.
We are none of us here forever. That's just as well because, if we truly were immortal, we would soon get bored with the world... And the world, quite conceivably, would get bored with us. We become boring enough and set in our ways, even when we know that life is temporary and transient. Current events raise many questions about the security and reliability of future plans. But what do you want? A life that's completely predictable or one that's full of spontaneous joy and magic? It is time to let some fun into your life! 


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