Even the mind-readers, the great theatrical performers, the stage magicians who can tell you - without looking - which card you have picked, have limits to their powers of telepathy. They may know whether you saw the Ace of Clubs or the Two of Hearts but they won't necessarily know why their husband (or wife) is mad at them. Yet somewhere beyond all the insensitivity and disagreement in this world, there is the possibility of real harmony and understanding.
If you want to change everything, change something. A small something will do. It doesn't even have to be a physical habit; it can be an attitude, an expectation, an opinion. Just resolve to stop looking at life in quite the same way that you used to view it. Then, as your horizons naturally begin to open up, you will start to see solutions, even to the problems which currently seem most vexing and impossible. The power to make the future different to the past is in your hands.  
We can all smile and be nice to each other when we are feeling happy and relaxed. It isn't so easy when we are tense, apprehensive or so caught up in fear and disappointment that we can hardly think straight. Yet it is such times that we really need to conquer, when we most sorely need to pull ourselves together and overcome the inclination to sink into a pool of worry. You now suspect that you are powerless to change a particular situation, but there really is something constructive you can do about it. 
Only your scruples now prevent you from getting away with a plan that many might find unacceptable. It is not someone else's disapproval that will prohibit success. If you are determined enough, you can push past any amount of resistance. Unless the resistance comes from within yourself. You can't go beyond boundaries that you have placed in your own way for various moral and ethical reasons. You should be proud of what prevents you from pursuing a particular path right now. Life will soon present you with a better option.  
There is a long literary tradition involving magicians, wizards, witches and warlocks. Though few of us have ever encountered such characters, they exist in our imagination. We see them wearing their robes and waving their wands and we wish that we could find such powers within ourselves. The irony is, these are easier to summon than we think. Indeed, the very complexity of a storybook mythology makes them seem much more remote. If you want to change something today, just believe that it is possible.
When we haven't had enough sleep or we are hungry, or we have just had an argument with a loved one, we enter a very prickly frame of mind. Nothing comforts us, no matter how familiar or reassuring we might normally find it to be. Now, imagine feeling like that and then trying to make an objective assessment of a new situation or an unusual proposition. We are just not going to warm to it, no matter how much positive potential it may hold. First, find the right frame of mind. Then, only then, make a decision.


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